
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

№1 (17) 2012

Demography and social economy, 2012, 1(17):51-59
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2012.01.051


The investments for modernization of the workstations in the aspect of anti-crisis policy
Section: Modernization of ukrainian society: factors preconditions, prospects.
Language: Ukrainan
Abstract: The article considered the main problems of investment of modernization jobs, related to the definition of priorities, sources and forms of investment in terms of socio-economic instability and the impact of globalization trends. The article identified the tendencies of investment in basic capital in terms of the possibilities of modernization of workplaces; performed an assessment of the dynamics and structure of foreign investments by areas of economic activity as a source of updated production facilities and jobs; shown contradictory of the investment policy of Ukraine; proved the necessity of creating new workplaces through the complex combining of different investment sources in order to increase the capitalization of the domestic economy. The ways of intensification of investment policy, focused to accelerate the process of modernization of workplaces and increasing capacity sector of employment determined.
It’s proved that under complicated socio-economic conditions should be recognized the priority of resolution at the state level in the system of anti-crisis regulation of economics problems, related to the accelerated modernization of workplaces in Ukraine. This is an urgent need that requires study of new methodological approaches in the context of development and implementation of anti-crisis program documents at all levels of management with regard to the interests of the state, separate business entities and local communities. In forming agreements with regard to establishing of free trade areas it’s necessary to consider and evaluate these projects in terms of preservation of existing workplaces in the country and its regions
Key words: investment software, investment policy, capital, modernization of workplaces, priorities and sources of modernization.
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