№1 (17) 2012
Demography and social economy, 2012, 1(17):43-50
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2012.01.043
Capitalization as the way to modernization of society
Section: Modernization of ukrainian society: factors preconditions, prospects.
Language: Ukrainan
Abstract: Submitted by definition of the category of “modernization”, represented by the development of
school modernization. It was found that in the social sphere the social and demographic aspects
of modernization are described by the concept of “social mobilization”, and in economic sphere
they are accompanied by technological growth, the principles of which are scientific knowledge,
the generation of which is done due to the processes of formation, accumulation and use of
intellectual, human and social capital that are synthesized components. It was proved that at
the macro and mezo levels the capitalization process is seen as production use of the national
income and the region revenue as a whole. It is proved that capitalization is a system entity that
provides advanced rendering assets, material and other ones that promotes the growth of national
economy, and as a general indicator of capitalization not only describes the state of management
object, but also determines the rate of the economy growth as a whole, the level of welfare and
living standards. It was emphasized that the sustainable development of a country, a region, a
company within modernization is possible due to capitalization, causing the processes associated
with transferring the synthesized capital, increasing the relative value added. We suppose that
capitalization should be seen as a strategic direction of country modernization
Key words: synthetic capital, modernization, capitalization, knowledge management.
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