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¹1 (17) 2012

Demography and social economy, 2012, 1(17):147-154
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2012.01.147


Democracy as a basis for public-private partnership
Section: Public-private partnership.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Democracy is emerging from existing independent from the state informational, economical and political structures. Public-private partnership is a realization of such partly independent from the state development of the economics. Democracy can be brought by new generation with a different set of values as it happened in the case of USSR. Ukrainian oligarchic elite has no need for democracy as such elite is an industrial one. Only with the emergence of the new informational elite new rules of the game will follow as will the need for creative social class. When artificial changes take place (intense revolutionary changes), the situation is getting upgraded to the next level of development, just as it happened in the case of Perestroika or colored revolutions. Because of this, there is a need for the mechanisms of protection of this informational component of change, as all the other mechanism that would normally stop this from happening did not engage.
Key words: democracy, values, information. public-private partnership, mentality, revolution, elite, prognosis.

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