
№1 (17) 2012

Demography and social economy, 2012, 1(17):129-137
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2012.01.129


The State and corporation integration: the institutional structure and development mechanism
Section: Public-private partnership.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Article is enlightened establishment of corporate social policy in Ukraine. The idea of social responsibility has received full support from society. However, its development in the country hasn’t widely disseminated. Public-private integration of financial and material resources is mediated by market relations and can be represented as a three-sector structure. It consists of the сcorporate social responsibility, target investment capital (endowment) and the system of municipal-private partnership.
Municipal-corporate integration in Ukraine is at an early stage of development and is mainly formed on a bilateral basis, which combines budget funds and cash income. This form of inte- gration has certain disadvantages, the main of which is the shadow patterns of distribution and use of funds. Regulation of the process of attracting population funds, their deliberate use and legalization of financial schemes will provide by giving autonomous status to budgetary institutions. A law on autonomous institutions, which determine the operating conditions of this new institutional form, was proposed to adopt. Some debatable issues, in particular the provision of autonomous institutions by right to be issuing securities were reviewed.
An important financial instrument for the development of public-private integration can be targeted investing, or endowment. The mechanisms of its regulation, particularly implementation of property rights to revenues and its distribution, operating as a non-profit structure was reviewed. The organizational and legal measures aimed at development of municipal-private partnership were proposed. They concern the improvement of the Budget Code to provide financial guarantees to investors and the order of conclusion of agreements by municipal agencies and private investors.
Key words: public- private partnership, сcorporate social responsibility, social infrastructure, financial assets, independent company, target capital, securities, Budget Code.
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