
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

№1 (17) 2012

Demography and social economy, 2012, 1(17):120-128
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2012.01.120


What prevents the development of public-private partnership in Russia
Section: Public-private partnership.
Language: Russian
Abstract: The paper describes the necessary conditions for an effective usage of public-private partnership (PPP), and specifies determinants affecting the successful implementation of PPP projects. According to world practice these factors are the following: stable macro economical situation, the size of domestic demand, state budget and the development of market institutes. In Russia the set of the above mentioned determinants is usually accompanied with other factors, connected with low level of legislation, non-adequacy of both government and business in PPP decisions, high level of corruption and political risks, unavailability of long-run financing system, guarantees for private investment etc. An implementation of public-private partnership mechanism in Russia is analyzed on the example of the concrete project – road building of the toll highway in Saint-Petersburg. The paper shows the main obstacles which make difficulties for full-scale implementation of this РРР-project. The most valuable among is restrictions generated by a weakness of legal norms. The other factors are negative macro economical situation, budget and financial influence, insufficient professional level of personnel in appropriate core organizations, low confidence of foreign investors to market mechanisms in Russia. During the realization of the toll highway project the abovementioned factors complicated the usage of PPP mechanism in full, generated a number of problems in competition and increased the project’s cost and duration. In whole, we conclude that an implementation of public-private partnership mechanism in Russia faces many difficulties. This conclusion is demonstrated by the example of concrete PPP project.
Key words: public-private partnership (PPP), PPP-institutes, PPP-determinats.
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