
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

№2 (16) 2011

Demography and social economy, 2011, 2(16):52-61
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2011.02.052


The social expectations and outlooks regarding the demographic behaviour: gender distinction
Language: Ukrainan
Abstract: The article analyzes differences in social expectations of certain aspects of demographic behaviour of males and females, and examined how social expectations and attitudes of the people in Ukraine differ from those characteristic of the residents of other European countries. The research is based on information of the European Social Survey and special sampling social and demographic surveys conducted by the M. Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine.
The research has demonstrated that social expectations concerning the nature and age of coming of certain events in the “demographic biography” of women and men can vary significantly. Average ideal age to start living with partner not married, ideal age to get married and live with husband / wife, to become mother / father, to retire permanently was lower for women than for men in all countries that participated in the European Social Survey. However, Ukraine stands out by the most gender differentiation of these indicators. The study disclosed some gender asymmetry in family roles, which is mainly caused by the paradoxical combination of desire of gender equality, but only in certain positions of family organisation (these positions are different for men and women), and respectful preservation of stereotypes (again different for men and women) on the distribution functions between spouses. The study finds that social expectations can be considered as significant factor of demographic behaviour.
Key words: demographic behaviour, social expectations, gender differentiation, age of coming of demographic events.
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