
№2 (16) 2011

Demography and social economy, 2011, 2(16):128-135
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2011.02.128


The modernization of the information provision of the social policy resting on the basis of the micro-simulation model
Language: Ukrainan
Abstract: The article deals with directions of informational provision development of modern social policy. It is shown that one of the main elements of social policy tools has to be the microsimulation instrument which includes representative microdata sets and the set of social processes models for microsimulation. The main terms are presented, advantages and disadvantages of microsimulation are considered. The general description of static and dynamic microsimulation models is brought to notice. Conclusion that in Ukraine exists the general framework for modernization of social research&policy tools based on microsimulation methodology is made.
Key words: microsimulation, social policy, informational provision.
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