
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

№1 (15) 2011

Demography and social economy, 2011, 1(15):135-141
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2011.01.135

Peculiarities of the state policy on poverty reduction in Ukraine
Language: Ukrainan
Abstract: The problem of overcoming poverty in Ukraine is really urgent – according to the official information the rate of poverty is equal to 28% which makes almost 13 million people. We can speak about the mass poverty in the Ukrainian society as it engages entire social strata and groups of people. Poverty is a social consequence of the systemic crisis in Ukraine. The fundamental reason of the great fall of the living scale was structural economic reformation and mistakes in its implementation. The current situation indicates that nowadays the struggle against poverty in Ukraine should be the highest priority for the government and the society. In Ukraine it is really essential to create such a system of social insurance which would be able to react appropriately to social risks and would influence the decrease in the poverty rate which is typical for the highly developed countries. The most essential issues on the way of overcoming the poverty are ineffective income redistribution, low level of salary payments, poverty of families with children, unfair allocation of state transfers directed to social support, the influence of the world financial crisis; the increase of the social passiveness. The analysis of the current poverty status in Ukraine determines the necessity of increasing the level and quality of living of working population, but not only of the poorest groups of people.
Key words: Poverty, social protection of the population, way of overcoming of poverty.
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