
№2 (14) 2010

Demography and social economy, 2010, 2(14):75-85
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2010.02.075

Migration and Migration Policy in Greece: the Example of Migration Transition
Language: Ukrainan
Abstract: The article describes migration trends and migration policy in Greece in the past few decades. In particular, it analyzes the transformation of Greece from the country of migration origin into such that accepts migrants on its territory as well as search of the national government for the political decisions that would meet the demands of the new conditions. The article considers activities of the Greek government in regard to acceptance and reintegration of labor migrants and political refugees who started coming back to Greece at the end of 1970s, policy on accepting and settling down individuals of Greek origin from the former USSR and Albania, labor migration legislative framework development, including legalization of illegal migrants. The author also characterizes migration of Ukrainian citizens to Greece. She concludes that Greek experience of supporting labor migrants who returned back home, investment of their earnings made abroad into the national economy, promotion of repatriation of fellow citizens to their historic motherland, regulation of the illegal migration etc. could be of use in the process of development of the complex migration policy of Ukraine that is being formed at the moment.
Key words: Greece, labour migration, repatriation, legalization of illegal migrants, migration policy.
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