
№2 (14) 2010

Demography and social economy, 2010, 2(14):64-74
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2010.02.064

Abortion and Fertility in Ukraine: a Loosing Battle?
Language: Ukrainan
Abstract: We analyze the changing relationship between abortion and childbearing in Ukraine, which has had one of the world’s highest abortion rates and lowest fertility rates. Using the 2007 Ukrainian Demographic and Health Survey, we estimate event history models for first abortions and first births as well as competing risks hazards by pregnancy outcome. With the decline in both fertility and abortion throughout 1990s, the risk of having an abortion relative to a birth declined much less dramatically indicating that the proportion of “unwanted” to “wanted” pregnancies remained high. Abortions have been used less frequently for postponing first births, as is more common in developed countries. We also describe how this relationship has been maintained through the slow adoption of modern contraception. Thus, Ukraine represents a country with an unusual relationship between fertility, abortion, and contraception, and where low fertility has been achieved with little reliance on modern methods.
Key words: abortion, birth, interrelationships, pregnancy, contraception, risk, competing risk ratio.
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