№2 (14) 2010
Demography and social economy, 2010, 2(14):46-55
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2010.02.046
Family Component of Population Policy in Theoretical and
Methodological Context
Language: Ukrainan
Abstract: Certain theoretical backgrounds of family study in context of population policy improvement
are considered in the article. On the basis of application of conception of demoreproduction
and demogeneration to analysis of domestic economy as unity of family household and demohousehold
main orientations of perfection of family components of the system of population
policy arrangements are elaborated. Family household — interfamily production of living means;
demohousehold — interfamily services, products of which are individuals themselves in their
historical established quality.
The conclusion was drown, that component of contemporary population policy had to be
concentrated first of all on support of family development in its hypostasis of family household.
There are measures concerning development of subsidiary plots and farming in rural area, and
creation of favourable conditions for selfemployment and also small and medium-sized businesses
in urban settlements. But main economical factors of successful functioning of dominating
majority of present family households are outdomestic, that is such which based on development
of social production. In context of long-term prospect gradual «exclusion» (at least reduction of
expenditure of labour potential) of domestic economy in its part of production of living means
by participation of the family members in more productive large-scale production, i.e. outside of
family will take place. It is reasonable step-by-step reorientation of senior members of domestic
economy from primary participation in family household to application their knowledges and
experience basically in demohousehold. The particularly important prerequisite of demohouseholds
development both in rural settlements and in rural areas are going out of stagnant pendency
of housing problem.
Key words: demoreproduction, economic-demographic study, system of social forms of population
reproduction, family, labour basis of family, domestic economy, family household, demohousehold,
family component of population policy.
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