
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

№2 (14) 2010

Demography and social economy, 2010, 2(14):123-130
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2010.02.123

Using the experience of foreign countries in creating the three-level pension system in Ukraine
Language: Ukrainan
Abstract: The article deals with the necessity of transformation of the national pension system “on the insurance principles”. Foreign experience of reformation of the pension system is analysed and the possibility of its use in Ukraine. Important problems of reformation of pension systems in some European states and countries of post-socialist area have been considered, the experience of which can be used by Ukraine in improving the native pension system. The reasons which stipulate the necessity of institutional transformations in pension provision for different countries and Ukraine in particular, under the influence of global tendencies of the present time and in the first turn demographic, economic, social, and psychological, have been clarified. The main models of pension systems’ formation in different countries, their positive sides and disadvantages have been analyzed. The three-level model of pension provision for our country has been suggested. Theoretical conclusions on the expediency of creating the non-state pension funds of different types in Ukraine have been made; their number, territorial location, volume of assets and perspectives for their development in the future have been determined.
Key words: social insurance, pension system, pension reform, pension insurance, demographic situation, joint and accumulative pension systems, pension age, the non-state pension provision, a non-state pension fund.
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