
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

№2 (14) 2010

Demography and social economy, 2010, 2(14):104-112
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2010.02.104

Formation of Corporate Culture and its Place in Social Dialogue System
Language: Ukrainan
Abstract: In the conditions of innovative development of post-industrial economy one of the important places belongs to management of the personnel. Transition to nonlinear models of management provides use of various ways of influence on workers such as the phenomenon of corporate culture. The corporate culture helps the organisation to reach positive results of activity, strengthens social stability, is the mechanism of the control which directs and forms relations and behaviour of separate groups of workers. Increase of role of corporate culture in Ukraine is connected with construction of market economy and a civil society. Reduction of direct influence of the state by regulation of labour relations leads to strengthening of requirement for maintenance of social balance between workers, employers and the state. The modern effective tool of the decision of this problem is the social dialogue which use of mechanisms opens wide opportunities for definition of rules and conditions of work. The article is devoted to the analysis of modern problems of formation of corporate culture and its place in system of social dialogue. The most important tendencies and priorities of perfection of mechanisms of social dialogue for maintenance of formation of corporate culture are defined.
Key words: corporate culture, management of personal, labour relations, social dialogue.
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