
№1 (13) 2010

Demography and social economy, 2010, 1(13):63-71
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2010.01.063

Development of the system of Social Insurance in the Context of Fertility Trends
Section: Fertility in Ukraine in Breaking the XXI Century: Structural Features, Perspectives, New Social Challenges
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the interdependence between the development of social insurance and the trends in fertility. In the modern family and fertility policy, the social insurance achieves both stimulating (maternity and child benefits, birth grant) and limiting (focus on small-child family, self-sufficiency in old age, etc.) functions. Low fertility is a characteristic feature of the modern type of population reproduction. Low fertility and increasing life expectancy causes the further progression of ageing and unpreventable growth of old age dependency ratio. In these conditions the need to rise the retirement age as the most appropriate and effective way to support the sustainability of public financial system. Social and demography policy should be aimed not at increasing the fertility rate, but at improving the quality of life.
Key words: social insurance, fertility, ageing, family policy, retirement age, service.
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