№1 (13) 2010
Demography and social economy, 2010, 1(13):167-176
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2010.01.167
Fertility in the Big Cities in Ukraine in Breaking the XXI century
Section: Researches of junior scholars
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Cities, as centers of economic, political, scientific and cultural life of society, play a crucial part in
protecting the development of the country as a whole, including demographic. Special attention to
demographic processes in the largest cities, in particular fertility, connected with a significant proportion
of their population in the total population of our country, so they primarily demonstrated
the changes of socio-economic life of society, reflected in the demographic processes. Thus, cities
play a leading role in the emergence of new trends in demographic development. Peculiarities of
fertility in the largest cities of Ukraine are analized in the paper. The influence of some factors on the
dynamics of fertility is examined. Also, fertility targeting of residents of the largest cities are considered.
Specific of fertility in the largest cities reflects the main features in the course of fertility in the
country in general: decreasing birth rates below the level of simple reproduction of the population,
a large proportion of out-of-marriage births, the orientation of one and two children, high average
age of mothers, high infant mortality, high rates of divorces, depopulation. One of the main causes
of low fertility is the contradiction between the significant expansion of the material and spiritual
needs and relatively limited economic opportunities to meet these needs. Lifestyle, fertility attitudes
and reproductive behavior of the urban population is a universal standard of behavior, the future for
other types of settlements. Some demographic policy measures of improvement terms of reproductive
activity are proposed on the basis of findings of research.
Key words: the largest cities, fertility, reproductive activity, out-of-marriage birth rate, average
age of mother, crude marriage rate.
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