№1 (13) 2010
Demography and social economy, 2010, 1(13):158-166
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2010.01.158
The Marital and Childbearing Orientation of the Students
of the High Schools in Kyiv
Section: Researches of junior scholars
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article is devoted matrimonial and childbearing orientation of population in the reproductive
age in Ukraine, particularly students of tertiary institutions. We analyzed data from the two
special social and demographic sample surveys which were held in April 2008: “Marriage and childbearing preferences of students” and “Family and children”. Unmarried students aged
18-20 years of tertiary institutions of Kyiv were interviewed in the first one. Respondents aged
15-49 years in the survey “Family and children” represented the different groups of population
by educational level, status, economic activity and social status. The paper highlights that family-
children value stays the main value for respondents. The family with two children is ideal
family size by opinions of respondents of different age groups.
Key words: Family, children, family orientation, matrimonial and childbearing preferences,
marriage, ideal and desired number of children, obstacles for childbearing.
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