№1 (13) 2010
Demography and social economy, 2010, 1(13):131-138
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2010.01.131
The Role of Fertility in Human Reproduction in Ukraine
Section: Researches of junior scholars
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper is devoted to investigation of the interconnection between trends of fertility and reproduction
of population in Ukraine and its aging. The impact factor of fertility and related factors
on the regime of reproduction of the population is analyzed in it. The comparative analysis of
the dynamics of fertility and the characteristics of population reproduction and indicators of
depopulation in urban and rural areas is made. On the basis of the calculations evaluated the
effects of the intensity of reproduction ? on the one hand, and the population age structure – on
the other hand, on the formation of natural increase (decrease) of population in urban and rural
areas of the country over the past fifty years.
The influence of modern trends of fertility on the age structure and aging in Ukraine on the
future is revealed. The consequences of the modern transformation of fertility and its age-specific
rates for the regime of reproduction and depopulation trends in our country in the perspective
are evaluated.
Key words: fertility, reproduction of population, aging, depopulation, natural decline in population.
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