
№1 (13) 2010

Demography and social economy, 2010, 1(13):124-130
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2010.01.124

The Determinants of the Low Fertility in a Capital City (Chisinau)
Section: Fertility in Ukraine in Breaking the XXI Century: Structural Features, Perspectives, New Social Challenges
Language: Russian
Abstract: On the basis of sociological research ”Women reproductive behavior in Chisinau mun: characteristics and determinants” may–august, 2009 (on a sample of 600 women of childbearing age) are studied determinative factors of low fertility in the Republic of Moldova’s capital Chisinau. Reproductive behavior is analyzed in dependence on the general desire of the respondents to give birth to (another) child at the time of the interview – “now”; future plans to give birth to (another) a child in the next 3 years; the prevalence and accessibility of family planning.
Key words: natality, reproductive behavior, reproductive intentions, mean ideal number of children, the average projected number of children, determinative factors.
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