№1 (13) 2010
Demography and social economy, 2010, 1(13):90-97
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2010.01.090
Fertility in Ukraine: the Influence of the Present Tendencies upon
the Prospective of Forming and the Future Characteristics of the Human Capital
Section: Fertility in Ukraine in Breaking the XXI Century: Structural Features, Perspectives, New Social Challenges
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Problems of activation of reproductive behavior of the population have been characterized in
the article as well as the influence of the birth rate dynamics in Ukraine on the perspectives of
its human capital formation has been analyzed. On the basis of analyzing the statistical information
and data interpretation got in the result of inquiries of the people of young reproductive
age there have been made the conclusions concerning the conditionality of the dynamics of the
reproduction of population in Ukraine by the level of socio-economic development of the state,
the interconnection of the reproductive preferences of youth with the mentality stereotypes
prevailing in the society has been analyzed as well as the specific of the motivation mechanism
of the reproductive activity of the population has been specified in the article.
Key words: humane capital, reproductive behavior, birth rate, abortion intentions, motivation
mechanism of the reproductive activity.
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