
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

№2 (12) 2009

Demography and social economy, 2009, 2(12):79-89
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2009.02.079

Labour Market and Social Infrastructure in the Countryside: Prospects of Development
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article provides an analysis of public policy of labour market regulation and of social infra- structure rebuilding in the rural area; prospects for their development in the conditions of the world financial crisis are discussed. In contrast to other trades, agriculture under crisis conditions keeps on holding positive positions, achieved in 2008. It is an evidence of considerable capabilities of this economy sector that is of great importance for the country. At the same time, a detailed analysis of labour market processes, development of social infra- structure in the countryside shows they lag behind the development of agriculture economy essentially. It is The State Target Program to Develop Ukrainian Rural Area till 2015 that has been worked out and implemented to determine a number of important tasks and measures aimed at inten- sifying the effectiveness of agriculture, to develop enterprise, to increase employment of rural population, to develop social infrastructure that is not fulfilled thoroughly. That is why, subject to the program prospects, central and local authorities, all economic subjects in the rural area should create favourable conditions to renew human potential, to improve social infrastructure of rural settlements, to diversify forms of rural population services and to decrease unemployment essentially. Scientific researches of labour market and social infrastructure will contribute to advanced changes and positive transformations in the rural area.
Key words: social infrastructure; public policy; labor market regulation; world financial crisis.
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