
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

№2 (12) 2009

Demography and social economy, 2009, 2(12):39-47
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2009.02.039

Sex-age patterns in Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Age structure of population in Ukraine is distorted significantly by historical events, especially World War II, several famines, mass repressions etc. These distortions led to formation of cer- tain demographic “waves” which has substantially different influence on population dynamics, labour market situation, manufacturing and so on. Feedback exists also, because large or small cohorts have different influence on reproductive potential, enrolment to education, labour market competition and so.
It is important that different socialization experience of cohorts leads to different life style and reproductive purposes. The socialization process depends on social end economic situation when people are adolescent. But adjoining calendar years not differ so much. From this it follows that not only one cohort has especial experience. So it is reasonable to mark out “extended” cohorts.
An extended cohort could be defined as a group of real generations born in several adjoining calendar years which was similar in socio-economic (living standards, employment etc.) and demographic (fertility rate, mean number of children in families) conditions. It is important that these extended cohorts clearly defined by number of persons. These cohorts have and would have in future a particular impact on wide range of demographic, social, economic and politic processes. Taking into account conditions of socialisation these cohorts enables to develop more reasoned demographic forecasts and policy actions.
From this it follows that demographic “waves” study is important for the case of Ukraine. These “waves” bonded by system of intergeneration relations. In modern age structure of Ukrainian population could be found at least three systems of generations.
Key words: age structure; “expanded” cohort; cohort socialization; system of cohorts.
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