
№2 (12) 2009

Demography and social economy, 2009, 2(12):12-27
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2009.02.012

Social and Demographic Policy in Ukraine in the Context of Cairo ICPD Program of Actions
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper deals with the major trends of socio-demographic processes and changes in social policy in Ukraine during fifteen years have passed since the International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo, 1994). It assessed the extent of compliance with basic principles and recommendations adopted at the conference, the degree of progress towards implementing the ICPD Action Program and further decisions on the development of population, adopted at the international level.
Through the prism of the basic principles of the ICPD Program of Action the current situation of poverty in Ukraine, the conditions of labor market and especially unemployment are reviewed, the characteristics of the gender gap in socio-economic field is given. The specific character of the demographic situation and the problems of availability of quality education and health for different groups of the population are considered.
It is determined, in what areas the demographic situation in Ukraine requires the concentration of main efforts to improve it, and population policy the reorientation of all-round improvement.
Key words: social and demographic policy; poverty ; depopulation; fertility; mortality; population aging.
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