№2 (12) 2009
Demography and social economy, 2009, 2(12):123-131
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2009.02.123
Outsourcing Model of the Corporative Social Responsibility
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper argues the necessity and defines means of application of outsourcing to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in social policy of Ukraine. As CSR (corporate charity) is a secondary
(not-product-related) activity to any for-profit organization, the allocation of recourses (human,
managerial, financial etc.) to this activity may decrease effectiveness of the major (product-
related) functions, lessening the competitive ability of an enterprise. Initiation of specialized
CSR-departments within an organizational structure (in order to provide expenditure control,
feedback control and social effect monitoring) is a luxury, which most businesses in Ukraine
can not afford. CSR-ignoring practices contradict imperatives of conventional modern business rules (e.g. sustainable development doctrine), which have presented CSR as a “must” for
prosperous firms and successful for-profits throughout the world. Ukraine is also involved in
the deployment of those imperatives as a new market economy country. Taking the burden of
CSR-caused extra costs off a firm, outcontracting of CSR may contribute to wide spreading of
corporate philanthropy, thus providing social policy and social-oriented activities in Ukraine
with potentially essential assets.
The paper derives, that deployment of CSR-outsourcing will produce the best effect on the
regional level of social policy of Ukraine – within community foundations as community-based
non-profit organizations, usually established in an area to help solving local social problems
through accumulation and distribution chiefly local resources, aimed for social projects and
programs of different kind.
Key words: outsourcing; corporate social responsibility; social policy; business; strategy, charity; competitiveness.
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