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№3 (37) 2019

Demography and social economy, 2019, 3(37): 113-132
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.03.113
UDC 332(477)

S.A. Rоmanyuk
Dr. Sc. (Economics), the Director of High School of Public Administration
the Head of Department of public administration
National Academy of Public Administration
under the President of Ukraine
03057, Ukraine, Kyiv, Anton Tsedika str., 20
E-mail: rosand@i.ua
ORCID 0000-0003-1219-1513

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to formulate proposals for the implementation of the state policy of regional development for the period after 2020 based on the growing trends in the development of regions in Ukraine and the study of modern approaches to territorial development in European countries. In particular, using the diffusion model of territorial development for the period of 2004–2017 revealed further spread of processes of inhibition of economic dynamics in the key industrial regions of the country against the backdrop of concentration of development in other territories; it correlates with the change in population density. The new concepts being implemented in the developed countries and can be used in the conditions of Ukraine (regional innovation systems) are described. It is found that one of the most promising modern approaches to the formation of strategic directions of regional development, which received support in the framework of the program period 2014–2020 of the regional development policy of the EU, was the introduction of strategies that include integrated development based on the concept of territorialdirected interference by national authorities or supranational structures (place-based approaches). It is proved that the Polish government demonstrates the case of the improvement of the relevant mechanism of state regulation for regional development. This is evidenced by a four-year Strategy for Responsible Development, which defines the direction of Poland’s development until 2020. Its implementation is carried out through the introduction of nine modernized sectoral integrated strategies, which in turn are based on strategic programs. The purpose is to create conditions for the formation of high incomes and better quality of life, while ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy at the same time. It is substantiated that the new state strategy for regional development, which will be formed after 2020, should take into account the risks of territorial economic concentration that continue to increase, using integrated approaches in politics and governance.
Key words: regional development, territorial economic concentration, integral strategies of development, regional innovate development
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