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№1 (35) 2019

Demography and social economy, 2019, 1(35):139-151
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2019.01.124
UDC 331.54.(438)

Dr. Sc. habilitations, prof.
College Administration in Warsaw
Poland, 02-554, Warsaw, Аl. Niepodleglosty, 162
E-mail: siro19@wp pl

Dr. Sc. (Economics), Prof.
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, blvd Taras Shevchenko, 60
E-mail: valery.economy@ukr.net

Dr. Sc. habilitations, Prof.
Graduate School of Tourism and Foreign Languages in Warsaw
Poland, Warsaw, Al. Primas Millennium 38-а. 01-242
E-mail: Karyagin@mail.com

Language: English
Abstract: The situation on the labor market in Poland is characterized by increasing imbalances in the structure of labor demand and supply. In particular, the imbalance is determined by the increase in unemployment among university graduates and the limited opportunities for their employment. Over the past five years, the number of unemployed among university graduates has increased. Statistical analysis shows that 1 / 5 of specialists do not work on their specialty. The youth is a potentially important resource for the development of the country’s productive forces. With the deterioration of the demographic structure of Poland and a decrease in the youth category of the population, it seems expedient to ensure effective employment of young people who have received higher education. In order to identify the benefits of qualified labor force in the labor market Polish scientists conducted a sociological study. It also had the aim to study the views of students on improving youth policy in the field of vocational training, employment expansion and labor adaptation. Considering the trends in the formation of labor market, it is advisable to establish a constructive dialogue between universities and employers in order to eliminate disproportions in the youth segment of the labor market; to ensure sustainable cooperation between them in the study of future labor market development and define the areas of specialists training. It is also necessary to development the preventive measures against potential unemployment. The new educational model of “adaptive competence” is proposed. The relevant organization of the university work in meeting the needs of students in advanced training by obtaining additional education, useful for their subsequent employment and career growth, is justified.
Key words: employment, education, labor market, youth, adaptive competence, additional education.
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