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¹2 (33) 2018

Demography and social economy, 2018, 2(33):27-37
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2018.02.027
UDC 314.74

O.À. Malynovska
Dr. Sc. (Public Administration), chief researcher
National Institute for Strategic Studies
10030, Ukraine, Kyiv, Pyrogova str., 7-A
E-mail: Malinovska@niss.gov.ua

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: One of the typical features of the modern era is the growing scale, the diversification of the types and directions of international migration. International population mobility has become an important factor of social transformations in the countries of destinations and origin of migrants, it has an impact on inter-state relations. This has led to increased importance of migration policy as an obligatory component of the activities of national governments, intergovernmental associations, the entire world community. Accordingly, the relevance of research on migration policy, which has both theoretical and practical significance, has intensified. Like migration, migration policy is studied on an interdisciplinary basis. Due to the long-standing dominant position in the studies of migration of economic science, the researches of the migration policy have become the most widespread from the standpoint of political economy, where the main issues are the economic benefits and losses from migration and, hence, the political decisions taken as a result of their assessment. At the same time, a number of theoretical models of migration policy analysis are used in political science, sociology, and international relations. An overview of the most common of them, presented in the article, gives grounds for the conclusion that all of them complement each other, but can’t offer comprehensive explanations of the process of formation of migration policy and its contents. Although the integral theory of migration policy does not exist, the scientific approaches used in current research make it possible to draw some conclusions which appear to be important for practical policy. Firstly, migration policy is a product of a political system, not just a reflection of economic or demographic circumstances. Secondly, it is formed not only by the state but also by other public institutions whose vision may differ. Therefore, effective migration policy requires the coordination of the interests of the state and the migrants themselves, local communities, political parties, non-governmental organizations, etc. Thirdly, as migration takes place between two or more states, coordination of interests is also necessary at the international level.
Key words: migration policy, theoretical approaches, directions of analysis.
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