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¹3 (31) 2017

Demography and social economy, 2017, 3(31):48-60
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2017.03.048
UDC 331.5.024.5

T.A. Zaiats
Dr. Sc. (Economics), Prof., Head of Department
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, blvd. Taras Shevchenko, 60
E-mail: scap@online.ua

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The unfolding of the processes of decentralization of the existing management system in Ukraine causes the emergence of new processes and phenomena in the social development of settlement structures as a result of strengthening subnational level of government, dramatic changes in the principles of organizing the life of rural communities and seeking new forms of implementing the main functions of local self-government at the local level, oriented towards self-organization and self-development of communities. Unfortunately, in Ukraine, socioeconomic development and resilience of rural settlements are largely dependent on their territorial proximity to economic and administrative centers (suburban settlements have undeniable advantages). In this regard, the definition of possible scenarios of social development of rural settlements of Ukraine of different populations in the conditions of decentralization of the current management system becomes a priority. In difficult socio-political and socio-economic conditions, the country is rapidly implementing a decentralization reform, accompanied by economic and social risks, possible negative effects for rural territorial communities, which are not properly informed about the ongoing reforms and are not, in fact, prepared for such radical changes in the established conditions for various objective and subjective reasons. As a result, social externalities often arise, which only complicate the conditions for running a rural business or worsen the living conditions of rural residents in general. Institutional traps on the development of rural settlements are determined. The extent to which rural communities can take advantage of decentralization to grow their participation in the development of settlements depends on the productivity of interaction and the search for compromise solutions between government agencies, representatives of rural agribusiness, local governments and members of local rural communities. The achievement of the balanced development of local and district rural settlement systems should be seen as a sphere of social responsibility of the regional and municipal authorities.
Key words: decentralization, rural settlements, social development, new opportunities.
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