
¹1 (29) 2017

Demography and social economy, 2017, 1(29):93-108
Doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2017.01.093

L.V. Holovko

PhD (Economics), Senior Research
Ptîukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv, Blvd. Taras Shevchenko, 60
E-mail: holovko_lilia@ukr.net

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The modern trends of the development of rural settlements of Ukraine in the context of dynamic changes of their basic spatial characteristics are investigated. The features of transformational changes in rural settlements for populations and remoteness of the nearest administrative and economic centres (district centre, village, town and city councils) and social infrastructure (kindergartens, schools and hospitals) are considered. The character of the influence of spatial parameters of settlements is determined in the transformation process of the settlement network, which is a structural reallocation of rural settlements, including the growth of processes of grinding and polarization patterns of rural settlements. There exists a threat of a decrease in network of preschool and secondary schools, which complicates the process of providing quality educational services to population as a result of spatial (increase of the distance to the social sphere) and geographical factors. The relationship of remoteness of rural settlements from medical infrastructure facilities and limits of receiving quality health services by the population is grounded. The positive impact of the new forms of (cottage) settlements on the development of social infrastructure of villages is determined. The necessity of intensification of administrative reform in the near future is grounded. The directions to take in the effort to territorially equalize the social-economic conditions of rural areas and improve the living standards in Ukraine are given.
The positive impact of the new forms of the (cottage) settlements on the development of social infrastructure of villages is set up. The necessity of intensification of administrative reform in the near future is grounded. The directions of territorial equality of social-economic conditions of rural areas and improvement of living standards in Ukraine is offered.
Key words: rural settlements, rural population, transformation changes, spatial characteristics, the territorial aspect, settlement network, social-economic development, social infrastructure.
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