
¹3 (28) 2016

Demography and social economy, 2016, 3(28):133-144
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2016.03.133

G.M. Urchik

PhD (Economics), Associate Prof.
National University of Water Management and Environmental Engineering
33028, Ukraine, Rivne, st. Soborna, 11
E-mail: g.m.urchik@nuwm.edu.ua

N.M. Samoliuk
PhD (Economics), Associate Prof.
National University of Water Management and Environmental Engineering
33028, Ukraine, Rivne, st. Soborna, 11
E-mail: n.m.samoliuk@nuwm.edu.ua

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The objective of the article is to study income differentiation of the population of Ukraine with consideration of its shadow components. Official data-based analysis of income differentiation indicates a moderate rate of inequality in income distribution in Ukraine, as compared with the EU. At the same time, a share of the shadow economy exceeds the safe level by most estimates. As there is no reliable data for assessments of distribution of the shadow incomes, such a study is very relevant. The article discusses some possible criteria to characterize the distribution of the shadow incomes by decile population groups based on the author’s approach, suggesting consideration of the structure of household’s expenditures and self-assessment of the quality of life. The presented findings indicate significant variation in the population differentiation by total incomes and adjusted total incomes. Considering the shadow income component proves that real inequality in income distribution in Ukraine is significantly higher in comparison to official data. Ignoring relevant problems only creates the social and political instability in society. Thus, the question of legalization of the national economy, distribution, and redistribution of income is based on transparency and social justice that is a priority of the government.
Key words: income differentiation, shadow economy, Lorenz curve, total income, shadow income, adjusted total income.
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