
¹2 (24) 2015 ð.

Demography and social economy, 2015, 2(24):76-87
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2015.02.076

I.F. Gnibidenko
PhD of Economics, Professor, Staff Training Institute of State Employment Service of Ukraine
O.V. Nartyuk
Graduate student, Staff Training Institute of State Employment Service of Ukraine

The Historical Genesis of Employment of the Economically Active Population of Middle-Age
Section: Labour market and employment
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper presents a historical excursions to the processes of formation and implementation of organizational and economic mechanism for employment optimization of economically active middle aged population in developed Western countries. Its transformation due to the influence of the doctrine of «welfare state» and the peculiarities of formation in the second half of the twentieth century are revealed. The main stages of the implementation of the mechanism for optimizing the employment of middle-aged population and their impact on the current state of the labor market in Western countries are highlighted and examined. In the current context of social and economic development of Ukraine, there are a number of threats and challenges of demographic character, which significantly affect the domestic labor market activity. At the same time, along with the negative demographic transformations of the last decade, in the domestic labor market there is also a trend of exclusion of economically active population aged over 45 from labor relations. This not only leads to the economic loss (growth of the economically inactive population and long-term unemployment), but also increased social risks and threats to the sustainable functioning of the Ukrainian society. Considering the results obtained, the study provides an opportunity to develop a suitable mechanism for optimizing the employment of vulnerable groups that face modern challenges in the domestic labor market.
Key words: historical genesis, organizational and economic mechanism, employment, middle aged economically active population, optimization of employment, exclusion.
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