
¹2 (24) 2015 ð.

Demography and social economy, 2015, 2(24):53-64
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2015.02.053

M.O. Krymova
PhD Economics, Leading Researcher, Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Assessment of Competitiveness of Young Specialists with Economic Education in Ukrainian Labor Market
Section: Labour market and employment
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article describes the method of estimating the competitiveness of young specialists in the labor market. The methodology provides subjective assessment obtained during a sociological survey of satisfaction of basic consumers of educational services, namely employers and graduates. The proposed method allows determining the level of compliance with the content of higher education requirements of employers. The level of knowledge, skills and concrete competences during training were estimated. In addition, the proposed by the author technique makes it possible to compare the views of employers and graduates on learning outcomes. The degree of awareness of university graduates on the competencies needed to perform their professional duties was identified. The article describes results of evaluation of the competitiveness of young specialists with backgrounds in economics, which showed a high level of inconsistency of quality of the training with the existing requirements of the economy. The level of competence, which is the most critical in modern economy, was defined. The characteristics of graduates that are, in the opinion of employers, the most important in the work of specialists’ with economic education was rated. Integral indicator of the quality of graduates was designed. A generalization of measures to ensure the increased competitiveness of young professionals with economic education in Ukraine was proposed.
Key words: competitiveness of young specialists, estimation method, competence, labor market, quality of education.
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