
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

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№1 (19) 2013

Demography and social economy, 2013, 1(19):89-99
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2013.01.089

O.T. Ryndzak

Section: Efficiency of social policy.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The possibilities of the use of sociological quantitative methods for evaluation of the efficiency of social programs are covered in the paper. Evaluation of the efficiency of social programs is understood as systematic collection of precise and reliable information on: program activities, achievement of its goals, the degree of satisfaction of program participants, as well as its impact and role in the solution of a social problem. The main task of the evaluation is to identify statistically significant effects, caused by the implementation of social programs. The most popular method (among quantitative methods) for evaluation of social programs is survey, which is divided into: questionnaire and standardized interviews, the telephone, press, mail and television polls.
The separation of the effect produced by a social program from other factors is one of the most difficult problems in the process of evaluation. This problem can be solved through the use of the experimental method. That is why special attention is given to this method in the article. The strength of the experiment lies in the internal validity – the possibility to draw conclusions about causal connections. That is, social changes identified by the evaluation can be attributed to the action of the program, and not to other factors. Control of other relevant factors can be done using matching and randomization. The procedure of using of the “pure” experimental approach is examined through the example of evaluation of the regional program of overcoming and preventing poverty.
When it is impossible to form a control group a quasi-experimental approach can be used. A quasiexperiment differs from a pure experiment in that it does not use randomization – random selection of participants in the experimental and control groups. When evaluating social programs based on a quasiexperimental approach, the effect of the program can be studied only on the basis of one (experimental) group, in which the measurements take place after completion of the program. Or the two groups (control and experimental) can be studied, but also only after the end of a social program. The main advantage of using the quasi-experimental approach in evaluation of the effectiveness of a social programs is that it requires less time and money than a pure experiment.
In addition, the article summarizes the methods of observation and content analysis, which are mainly used as additional methods for the evaluation of social programs.
Finally, the main advantages and disadvantages of using the methods of survey, experiment, observation and content analysis are presented in the table. Triangulation (a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods of sociology), as well as the use of methods of other sciences and cooperation of different specialists are concluded to provide reliable and complete evaluation of the effectiveness of social programs.
Key words: evaluation, efficiency, social program, quantitative methods of sociology, experimental method, survey.
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