
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

№1 (17) 2012

Demography and social economy, 2012, 1(17):60-69
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2012.01.060


The economic phenomenology of the social responsibility in the labor sphere
Section: Modernization of ukrainian society: factors preconditions, prospects.
Language: Ukrainan
Abstract: The paper contributes to the labor-related economic conceptualization of social responsibility, which is understood as reciprocity and absence of opportunistic inclinations and practices within the interaction of employees, employers, as well as their representatives (trade unions, business organizations etc.). The interaction is perceived in a classical way – as economic transaction, organized through variety of contracts.
The article sets the framework for responsible behavior in the principal-agent and network labor relations (symmetric and asymmetric labor relations). Responsible employers, employees and authorities, applying regulative norms (both formal and informal), compose the core of the system of socially responsible labor. The government is viewed both as an employer and the probable authority within the system. The prerequisites for responsible government regulation of labor are also considered. The possible alternative authorities and their reference to the government are revealed. Accessibility is posed to be the must-have characteristic of the responsible authority.
The concept of libertarian paternalism is developed into the concept of the nonlinear labor paternalism, which is viewed as hybridization of labor paternalism and labor partnership. Such hybridization deems inevitable in the frame of responsible relations due to the necessary function specialization, which in its tern is caused mainly by the real information and cognitive constrains, inherent in any economic agent. An effective and responsible patron is defined impossible without a client’s participation and concern.
The paper also reveals the principles of social responsibility in the transactions of staff leasing. The area of application of the proposed labor-related economic concept of social responsibility with regards to the specifics of the labor relations in Ukraine is defined.
Key words: social responsibility, labor, contract, transaction, opportunism.
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