
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

№2 (16) 2011

Demography and social economy, 2011, 2(16):147-155
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2011.02.147


The features of the fiscal burden in Ukraine
Language: Ukrainan
Abstract: We analyze the level and structure of fiscal revenues in Ukraine in comparison with EU countries. Overall, the total tax burden in Ukraine is at a level typical for European countries: the share of GDP redistributed through the taxation system is 36.7%, including social contributions – 13.9% of GDP. Unlike most EU countries, where employees pay 20–40% of the total social contributions, in Ukraine almost 90% of contributions received from employers. The contribution of self-employed is insignificant (less than 2% of the total), although they constitute more than 10% of all contributors. Indirect value-added tax provides 9.3% of GDP, while the personal income tax – only 4.9% of GDP. There is a need for reallocation of total tax burden in the direction of increasing personal participation of citizens in the state of public finance, from indirect to direct taxes, from corporate income tax to increasing the taxation role of personal income, stocks of capital and wealth.
Key words: government finance, fiscal policy, social insurance contributions, taxes, redistribution of income, social expenditures.
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