
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

№2 (16) 2011

Demography and social economy, 2011, 2(16):105-117
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2011.02.105


The social factors of the migration mobility of the residents of the oblast centre cities of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainan
Abstract: The demographic aspects of modern development of cities which are regional centers of Ukraine are examined in the article, in particular, migration of population, tendencies of migration flows forming in different level. The influence of socio-economic factors on migration of population in such cities within a regions, between the regions of Ukraine and abroad are analyzed. On the basis of information of state statistics it is concluded is done, that population mobility of regional centers is higher, than mobility of all population of Ukraine and townspeople in particular. It is discovered that population most regional centers reduced of interregional flows as a result of migration within the region and in an exchange with other regions of country. On the basis of coefficients of correlation, investigational strength and direction of connections between population mobility of regional centers within the limits of area, in an exchange with other regions, outside of Ukraine and by an unemployment rate, by an average monthly wages, putting into operation dwelling and volume of the realized services to population are investigated.
Key words: regional centers, migration within the region, inter-regional migration of population, international migration of population, net migration, mobility of population, factors migration flows formation, coefficient of correlation.
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