
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

№2 (12) 2009

Demography and social economy, 2009, 2(12):132-140
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2009.02.132

Role of Property Tax in the Social Policy of the Country in Transition
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The value of property tax as instrument of smoothing disproportions in the profits of physical persons in Ukraine is analysed, reduced expedience of his conduct from point of social justice and providing of social stability in a country.
Certainly, that the major aspect of taxation real estate from point of social orientation is a redistribution (through a budget and given the organs of local self-government of favour) of profits from the most well-to-do layers of population, which own the dear real estate, to less well-to-do. A property tax in the developed countries plays a considerable role exactly in a social plan, it enables substantially increase budgetary receipts due to the well-to-do layers of population and the same to balance social interests.
Grounded mechanisms of application untaxed minimum area of the housing real estate with the purpose of taxation and expedience of waiver from privileges in relation to the certain categories of population with the purpose of avoidance of avoiding payment of tax.
In a complex with a tax on the profits physical persons and reformation pension system a tax property can play a substantial role in the decline of social tension in society and providing of social justice in Ukraine.
Key words: real estate; tax, social policy; social justice; social stability; income tax, income differentiation; Ukraine.
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