Demography and social economy <p><strong>Сo-founders</strong>: the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Demography and Quality of Life of the NAS of Ukraine</p> <p><strong>Publisher and manufakturer:</strong> Akademperiodyka Publishing House</p> <p>The journal is <strong>published four times annually</strong> according to the letter of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine № 5680/3070-33-20/19.3.2 as of February 6, 2020 about the registration of the permit in the State Register of print media and news agencies as subjects of information activity.</p> <p>Articles are published in <strong>Ukrainian</strong> and <strong>English</strong> (according to the author's original text) and have annotations in two listed languages.</p> <p>On February 13, 2009, the journal "Demography and Social Economy" was assigned the International Standard Serial Number for paper version<strong> ISSN 2072-9480</strong> (<strong>Print</strong>); in 2013 – for the electronic version<strong> ISSN 2309-2351</strong> (<strong>Online</strong>).</p> <p><strong>According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine</strong> dated 02.07.2020 № 886 scientific <strong>journal</strong> "Demography and Social Economy"<strong> is included in the Register of scientific professional publications of Ukraine (category "B")</strong></p> <h2 id="h_79239361011623784556186" class="border_bottom">Abstracting and Indexing Services</h2> <p>This journal "Demography and social economy" is included in <strong>11</strong> international and national <a href="">abstracting and indexing databases</a>.</p> <p>Journal «Demography and Social Economy» was assigned a <strong>DOI</strong> (digital object identifier) <strong>CrossRef</strong>: <a href=""></a>.</p> <h2 class="border_bottom">Scope</h2> <p><strong>Scientific fields of the journal:</strong></p> <ul type="disc"> <li>Theoretical issues of demography;</li> <li>Demographic processes: birth rate, mortality, marriage and family processes, migration.</li> <li>Socio-demographic structures and population quality;</li> <li>Human development;</li> <li>Formation of social capital;</li> <li>The level and quality of life;</li> <li>Poverty and social reproduction;</li> <li>The labour market;</li> <li>Socio-demographic policy;</li> <li>Gender studies;</li> <li>Socio-demographic forecasting;</li> <li>Quantitative methods in the social and demographic research;</li> <li>Information support for socio-economic and demographic research;</li> <li>Regional socio-demographic research;</li> <li>Social responsibility;</li> <li>financial aspects of the social economy;</li> <li>natural resource economics, civil protection, natural and technogenic security;</li> <li>rational use and protection of natural resource potential;</li> <li>conservation areas and environmental regulation.</li> </ul> <h2 class="border_bottom">Submissions</h2> <p>Deadline for submission of articles to the journal:</p> <ul type="disc"> <li class="show">the first number to <strong>20th of December</strong> (journal submission for publication in March of next year);</li> <li class="show">the second number to <strong>10th of March </strong> (journal submission for publication in June of this year);</li> <li class="show">the third number to <strong>20th of May</strong> (journal submission for publication in September of this year);</li> <li class="show">the fourth number to <strong>10th of September</strong> (journal submission for publication in November of this year).</li> </ul> <p><strong>Publish articles to authors - without pay.</strong></p> National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Demography and Quality of Life of the NAS of Ukraine en-US Demography and social economy 2072-9480 ASSESSMENT OF THE RELEVANCE AND IMPACT OF GLOBAL CHALLENGES FOR NATIONAL POLICY <p>The article is devoted to the presentation of certain results of the scientific project «Evaluation of national social policy in the context of global challenges», which was carried out by a team of specialists of the Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the NAS of Ukraine in 2022—2024. These results were obtained during carrying out tasks related to the identification of global challenges for Ukraine, assessment of their relevance and impact on national policy. The main basis of this work is the theoretical and applied findings of the most famous studies of such categories as global risks, threats and challenges. The study of global risks and challenges is one of the most relevant scientific tasks for today, as humanity is increasingly aware of the urgent need to confront possible threats to its existence both at the level of international cooperation and at the level of national policy. The article provides a brief overview of current research with an emphasis on the Global Risk Perception Survey (GRPS) methodology, according to which the World Economic Forum annually conducts assessments and publishes their results in its reports. By analogy with the international GRPS methodology, as part of the project implementation, for the first time in Ukraine, a series of surveys of national experts was conducted to assess the national context of global challenges perception. The first round was held on the eve of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine’s territory by Russian troops, in the period from February 16 to February 23, 2022, the second round — in the summer of 2022, and the third — in the fall of 2023. The purpose of this study is to determine the composition, degree of relevance and measure of impact of global challenges (at the national level — on the population of the country, at the local level — on the population of the community), as well as to study the temporal component of changes in their perception. For the formation of main postulates of the research, the work uses general scientific methods of generalization, analysis, comparisons, as well as a graphic method — for visualization of obtained results. As a tool for the two-dimensional assessment of the relevance and impact of global challenges, the authors built a matrix that allowed to group the challenges according to the growth rate of the evaluated parameters. The largest group includes eight challenges that have a significant impact on national policy and will be relevant in the next three years: «Employment crisis», «Deterioration of the population’s mental health», «Collapse of social security systems», «Decreasing accessibility and quality of education», «Damaging the ecosystems», «Increasing social inequality», «Deterioration of water resources quality», «Insufficient ensuring of human rights». The experts assessed only one challenge as catastrophic — the «High level of armed violence», by which they obviously meant human losses due to the death and injury of the military personnel and civilian population, loss of health and work capacity. It is these challenges that will require priority attention in the development of national policy strategies. The ability of our country to face global challenges and ensure social and economic resilience depends on the adequacy of the decisions that will be made.</p> <p>REFERENCES</p> <ol> <li>Aven, T. (2016). Risk assessment and risk management: Review of recent advances on their foundation. European Journal of Operational Research, 253 (1), 1—13. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.ejor.2015.12.023</li> <li>Aven, T. (2020). How to determine the largest global and national risks: Review and discussion. Reliability Engineering &amp; System Safety, 199, 106905. https://www.sciencedirect. com/science/article/abs/pii/S0951832018313954 <a href=""></a></li> <li>Henley, E. J., &amp; Kumamoto, H. (1981). Reliability Engineering and Risk Assessment. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.</li> <li>Bedford, T., &amp; Cooke, R. (2001). Probabilistic Risk Analysis. Foundations and Methods. 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Nairobi: UN. https://</li> </ol> Olena Makarova Oksana Khmelevska Iryna Gerasymenko Copyright (c) 2024 Олена Макарова, Оксана Хмелевська, Ірина Герасименко 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 56 2 62 80 10.15407/dse2024.02.062 FORMATION OF RESPONSIBLE YOUTH BEHAVIOR IN THE PROCESS OF SOCIALIZATION <p>The paper analyzes the problem of the influence of surrounding environment on the formation of responsible behavior of young people. The modern challenges of the digital society and the problems of the “aging” of human resources increase scientific attention to the question of the readiness of young people to take responsibility for the future social development. Therefore, it is important to determine the external conditions which form responsible behavior of young people. General scientific methods of research were used to fulfill the task: systematic approach, statistical and graphic methods, method of analysis and synthesis, method of empirical research. A meaningful connection between the categories “responsibility”, “responsible behavior”, “readiness for responsible behavior” was established; on this basis, the importance of early formation of responsible behavior of young people at the stage of socialization was substantiated. The key spheres of youth socialization were found out: those are family, education, public activities. The author established that under the influence of these institutions, the integrated accumulation of a knowledge base, practical experience of responsible actions is carried out by young people, which develops the ability for critical thinking and collectively forms in young people the readiness for responsible behavior as a norm and an integrated value. Proactive methods of informal education and social practices promising for the formation of responsible behavior of young people were identified, the author’s model of the Summer School was presented as an example, which integrates the acquisition of basic management skills with the practical development of social projects, which contributes to the acquisition of experience. As a result, the agents of socialization were suggested to direct the key influences on young people in the following directions: educational environment — introduction of proactive methods of informal education, social practices; family environment — development of family education strategy; public environment — implementation of motivational mechanisms to involve young people in the participation in non-governmental organizations, wide use of educational collective methods.</p> <p>REFERENCES</p> <ol> <li>Human Development Report 2015 (2015). Work for Human Development. 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The research relies on the methods of system analysis, scientific generalizations and comparisons, as well as economic and statistical analysis. The article postulates that multinational companies, which have spread in the process of globalization, contributed to the creation of millions of jobs throughout the world, stimulated the demand for highly qualified specialists and the rapid growth of all types of education, and promoted the introduction of new forms of production organization and control enhancing production culture and management. This caused the growth of employees’ incomes, boosted demand for consumer goods, thus stimulating a significant expansion of the range of supplied goods and services, the growth of national production and domestic market, and, finally, enhancing living standards and HDI indicators of the host countries. The rising importance of global demographic trends embraces a noticeable growth of the Earth’s population, which is uneven by country and region, the growth in the percentage of elderly people, especially in the developed countries. An important trend is the growth of international migration resulting from the liberalization of international relations, the development of communications, access to better education, the growth of well-being and expanding opportunities for education and self-realization abroad. The number of international migrants is growing faster than the global population, and this trend is likely to continue in the future. Urbanization and the growth of global cities have a significant impact on human development due to their high rates of employment, highly skilled labor, high professional and cultural level of workers, and high incomes. Such cities have become centers accumulating creative and intellectual capitals. The article exposes that investments in education, welfare, and health care in many countries had a positive long-term (over 30 consecutive years) effect on the growing values of the Human Development Index, as well as the global HDI, although the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted it in 2020. Meanwhile, HDI changes occur differently in different country groups, with OECD countries permanently holding the leading positions. The research adds new qualitative knowledge about human capital, trends in its development in the new conditions of globalization, which strengthens traditional views and enriches alternative approaches to the formation of conceptual understanding of human capital.</p> <p>REFERENCES</p> <ol> <li>Libanova, E. M. (Ed.) (2016). Human Development in Ukraine. Innovative types of employment and their development prospects. Kyiv: Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies, NAS Ukraine [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Libanova, E. (2024). 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[in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Human Development Report 2019 (2019). Beyond income, beyond averages, beyond today: Inequalities in human development in the 21st century. UNDP. New York. https://</li> <li>Zandt, Florian (2023). Which Countries Are Hitting the United Nations Development Aid Target? Statista, Sep. 5. <a href=""></a></li> <li>What is resilience and how to operationalize it? (2023). OECD. dac/conflict-fragility-resilience/risk–resilience/#:~:text=Understanding%20 resilience&amp;text=Resilience%20is%20about%20addressing%20the,with%20risks%2C%20 stresses%20and%20shocks</li> </ol> Svitlana Sidenko Copyright (c) 2024 Світлана Сіденко 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 56 2 25 43 10.15407/dse2024.02.025 SOME REGIONAL PECULIARITIES OF FORCED MIGRATION FROM UKRAINE: THE CAPITAL AND OTHER REGIONS <p class="western" align="justify">The forced migration of Ukrainians within the country and abroad has become a characteristic feature of the era of full-scale invasion. It saved the lives and health of many people, as a decrease in population density in the areas most affected by the hostilities leads to a decrease in human losses. Despite the great research interest in the topic of forced migration, some aspects of it still remain poorly understood, in particular, it is important to study the peculiarities of forced migration at the localities level, at least in large cities. The purpose of this article is to single out the category of forced migrants who lived in Kyiv before the full-scale invasion by the aggressor country and to identify the peculiarities of staying abroad and the attitudes of this group. To achieve this goal, general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, and induction were used. Empirical data were collected using the method of sample surveys. The method of grouping was used to distinguish Kyiv residents from the general population of respondents, and the method of comparison was used to identify the peculiarities of their forced migration abroad. The study found that Kyiv residents are more likely to settle abroad in the capitals of their destination countries. Among them, there are more unmarried and childless individuals, which creates prerequisites for socio-economic integration outside the country. Also, people from the capital were less likely to have relatives abroad at the time of the full-scale invasion, which is likely due to their low level of participation in external labor migration in the previous period. Migrants from the capital proved to be better integrated in the countries of settlement, which is reflected in their proficiency in the local language, employment in the local labor market, and higher levels of financial well-being. At the same time, they retain stronger ties to Ukraine. Residents of Kyiv region are similar to Kyiv residents in some respects, while in others they are similar to residents of other regions. The study also revealed cases where the population of Kyiv region exhibited characteristics intermediate between Kyiv and other regions. The development of effective strategies for migration management, socio-economic development of the country during the war and post-war revival needs to take into account regional specifics.</p> <p>REFERENCES</p> <ol> <li>UNHCR Europe Bureau (July 2023). Life on Pause: Intentions and Prospects of Refugees from Ukraine. Regional intentions report No. 4. details/105661 [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Centre for Migration Research (February 2023). Between Ukraine and Poland: Ukrainian migrants in Poland during the war. CMR Spotlight, 2 (48) [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Gradus Research (November 2022). Study of socio-political sentiments during the war. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Razumkov Centre (March 2022). 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The purpose of our paper is to determine the main parameters of the demographic resilience of the population of Ukraine in the Covid-19 period and to compare them with the characteristics of resilience in other periods of the greatest shocks experienced by our country, as well as with the indicators of other countries. In our study the main indicators of transient dynamics (convergence time, reactivity, population inertia, damping ratio) were calculated for the first time for the population of Ukraine. The influence of the contribution of different age groups of women to total fertility on the age structure of the population (with the same total fertility rate) was also determined for the first time. The calculations were based on the stable population model, the Leslie matrix, fertility tables, and life tables. The resilience indicators were calculated using the popdemo package. Methods of comparison, generalisation, and analogy were also used. Among the characteristics of demographic resilience, the half-life indicator stands out for its simplicity of calculation and interpretation. In Ukraine, the halving time for the population is decreasing, but it is still higher for the real population than for its stable equivalent. The age structure of the real population, formed under more favourable conditions, mitigates the negative consequences of shock periods, but the long-term preservation of the current regime of mortality and fertility will inevitably worsen the characteristics of the population. In Ukraine, advanced motherhood is an element of the adaptive cycle and requires a rethinking of its meaning and role, as it can be one of the internal mechanisms aimed at the resilience of the system in shock periods. In the conditions of the lowest-low fertility and mortality regime in Ukraine in 2021, advanced maternal age contributed to some increase in the number of births and a certain rejuvenation of the age structure of the population.</p> <p>REFERENCES</p> <ol> <li>Holling, C.S. (1973). Resilience and Stability of Ecological Systems. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 4, 1—23. <a href=""></a></li> <li>Walker, B., Holling, C.S., Carpenter, S.R., &amp; Kinzig, A. (2004). Resilience, adaptability and transformability in social–ecological Ecology and Society, 9(2), 1—9. <a href=""></a></li> <li>Holling, C.S. (1996). Engineering resilience versus ecological resilience. In P.C. Schulze, editor. Engineering within ecological constraints. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 31—43. <a href=""></a></li> <li>Dakos, V., &amp; Kéfi, S. (2022). Ecological resilience: what to measure and how. 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The problem cannot be solved only by adjusting the existing and adopting new normative legal acts of labor law, since the corresponding legislative amendments must be accepted by the key parties to social and labor relations. The purpose of the article is to investigate the institutional environment in the field of labor remuneration in Ukraine in its various manifestations, to identify the most common institutional constructions, structures and practices that need correction and should become a priority object of state policy. The research was conducted using the methods of desk study. In the absence of official statistical data on the labor market and wages, indirect assessment methods were used based on available administrative data, materials of international organizations, results of sociological surveys, etc. The authors abandoned the traditional identification of institutions exclusively with formal organizations, which are mainly created by the government. The novelty is provided by the study of widespread informal institutional structures and practices, their main manifestations and socio-economic consequences. he study revealed that due to the low efficiency of controlling and punitive instruments of state regulation, several informal and implicit institutional structures have taken root in the institutional environment of the sphere of labor remuneration in addition to or instead of formal norms and rules, in particular, the shadowing of labor remuneration, labor remuneration based on individual agreements, unpaid overtime work, fictitious individual entrepreneurs, etc. Manifestations, main causes and consequences of the spread of informal practices are analysed. The impact of the full-scale military aggression against Ukraine on the labor market and labor force patterns in terms of working conditions and wages is assessed, and the risk of deepening shortage of workers for the needs of the post-war reconstruction is emphasized. 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