Demography and social economy 2024-12-23T13:30:57+00:00 Liudmyla Hryhorieva Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Сo-founders</strong>: the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the NAS of Ukraine</p> <p><strong>Publisher and manufakturer:</strong> Akademperiodyka Publishing House</p> <p>The journal is <strong>published four times annually</strong> according to the letter of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine № 5680/3070-33-20/19.3.2 as of February 6, 2020 about the registration of the permit in the State Register of print media and news agencies as subjects of information activity.</p> <p>Articles are published in <strong>Ukrainian</strong> and <strong>English</strong> (according to the author's original text) and have annotations in two listed languages.</p> <p>On February 13, 2009, the journal "Demography and Social Economy" was assigned the International Standard Serial Number for paper version<strong> ISSN 2072-9480</strong> (<strong>Print</strong>); in 2013 – for the electronic version<strong> ISSN 2309-2351</strong> (<strong>Online</strong>).</p> <p><strong>According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine</strong> dated 02.07.2020 № 886 scientific <strong>journal</strong> "Demography and Social Economy"<strong> is included in the Register of scientific professional publications of Ukraine (category "B")</strong></p> <p><strong>Media ID R30-04292</strong></p> <h2 id="h_79239361011623784556186" class="border_bottom">Abstracting and Indexing Services</h2> <p>This journal "Demography and social economy" is included in <strong>11</strong> international and national <a href="">abstracting and indexing databases</a>.</p> <p>Journal «Demography and Social Economy» was assigned a <strong>DOI</strong> (digital object identifier) <strong>CrossRef</strong>: <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>An <a href=";I21DBN=UJRN&amp;P21DBN=UJRN&amp;S21STN=1&amp;S21REF=10&amp;S21FMT=JUU_all&amp;C21COM=S&amp;S21CNR=20&amp;S21P01=0&amp;S21P02=0&amp;S21P03=IJ=&amp;S21COLORTERMS=1&amp;">electronic copy</a> of the journal is kept at the V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine </p> <h2 class="border_bottom">Scope</h2> <p><strong>Scientific fields of the journal:</strong></p> <ul type="disc"> <li>Theoretical issues of demography;</li> <li>Demographic processes: birth rate, mortality, marriage and family processes, migration.</li> <li>Socio-demographic structures and population quality;</li> <li>Human development;</li> <li>Formation of social capital;</li> <li>The level and quality of life;</li> <li>Poverty and social reproduction;</li> <li>The labour market;</li> <li>Socio-demographic policy;</li> <li>Gender studies;</li> <li>Socio-demographic forecasting;</li> <li>Quantitative methods in the social and demographic research;</li> <li>Information support for socio-economic and demographic research;</li> <li>Regional socio-demographic research;</li> <li>Social responsibility;</li> <li>financial aspects of the social economy;</li> <li>natural resource economics, civil protection, natural and technogenic security;</li> <li>rational use and protection of natural resource potential;</li> <li>conservation areas and environmental regulation.</li> </ul> <h2 class="border_bottom">Submissions</h2> <p>Deadline for submission of articles to the journal:</p> <ul type="disc"> <li class="show">the first number to <strong>20th of December</strong> (journal submission for publication in March of next year);</li> <li class="show">the second number to <strong>10th of March </strong> (journal submission for publication in June of this year);</li> <li class="show">the third number to <strong>20th of May</strong> (journal submission for publication in September of this year);</li> <li class="show">the fourth number to <strong>10th of September</strong> (journal submission for publication in November of this year).</li> </ul> <p><strong>Publish articles to authors - without pay.</strong></p> THE SOCIAL DIMENSION OF RESILIENCE: NATIONAL APPROACHES AND EU POLICY (A COMPARATIVE LEGAL STUDY) 2024-10-14T06:33:52+00:00 Volodymyr Ustymenko <p>The aim of the article is to identify legal vulnerabilities at various levels of Ukraine’s legal system, assess the degree of their negative impact on the formation and implementation of the state’s social policy, and propose methods for their elimination and ways to minimize their negative effects, taking into account the achievements of the EU legal system in the studied area of relations. To achieve this research objective, general scientific and special methods of scientific inquiry were employed, including dialectical, legal hermeneutics, comparative legal, analytical-synthetic, formal-logical, system-structural analysis, and prognostic methods. The empirical basis of the research comprised the Constitution of Ukraine and other national legislative acts, selected international legal acts, EU law acts, case law of the European Court of Human Rights, specific draft laws, and analytical materials prepared by the European Committee of Social Rights, the European Commission, and others. The conclusion is substantiated that a formal approach to assessing the applicability of EU law to the regulation of specific groups of social and labor relations at the national level, and the consequent formulation of erroneous conclusions regarding the lack of need for approximation of the relevant elements of Ukraine’s legislation to EU law, creates conditions for embedding vulnerabilities in the system of legal regulation of the socio-labor sphere. If not timely identified and addressed at the appropriate stage of the legal regulation mechanism, these vulnerabilities can transform into threats to national security, a recognized component of which is the socio-economic sphere, and they will ultimately impact Ukraine’s national resilience and its social component.</p> <p>Three levels of the state’s legal system have been identified, at each of which legal vulnerabilities (conflicts, gaps, flawed legal concepts, non-compliance with legislative procedures, etc.) are formed due to coordinated actions and/or inactions, as well as decisions made by authorized government bodies. These vulnerabilities can transform into hybrid threats, negatively affecting the social security system. Legal vulnerabilities have been identified at each of the three levels of the state’s legal system (legislative, implementation, and constitutional review levels), and methods for their elimination and ways to minimize their negative impacts have been proposed, taking into account the achievements of the EU legal system in the field of ensuring the formation and implementation of social and employment policies on the basis of resilience.</p> <p>REFERENCES</p> <ol> <li>Heiets, V. M., Burlai, T. V., &amp; Blyzniuk, V. V. (2023). Social resilience of the national economy through the prism of the experience of the European Union and Ukraine. Ekonomichna teoriia, № 3, 5—43. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Hrytsenko, A. A. (2022). Strategies of economic stability in unstable environment. Ekonomika i prohnozuvannia, № 3, 33—43. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Tsymbal, O. I., Libanova, E. M., Makarova, O. V., Sariohlo, V. H., Ostafiichuk, Ya. V., &amp; Tkachenko, L. H. et al. (2021). Human Development in Ukraine: Priorities of National Policy for Minimizing Asymmetry in the Ukrainian Labor Market. Kyiv: Akademperiodyka. <a href=""></a></li> <li>Pyrozhkov, S.I., Maiboroda, O.M., Khamitov, N.V., Holovakha, Ye.I., Dembitskyi, S.S., &amp; Smolii, V.A. et al. (Eds.) (2022). Ukraine’s National Resilience: A Strategy for Responding to Challenges and Anticipating Hybrid Threats. Instytut politychnykh i etno na tsionalnykh doslidzhen im. I. F. Kurasa NAN Ukrainy. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Yefymenko, T. I. (2023). Harmonization of the information environment for stress re sistance of the corporate sector of economy. Ekonomika Ukrainy, 6, 3—22. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Novikova, O., Tsymbal, O., &amp; Ostafiichuk, Ya. (2024) Building the resilience of the social and labor sphere in the context of postwar development of Ukrainian economy. Ekonomika Ukrainy, 7 (752), 94—12. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Cherevatskyi, D. Iu. (2023). The resilience of economics and the economics of resilience. Ekonomika promyslovosti, 1 (101), 31—39. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Constantinescu, M. (2023). Measuring economic resilience for the CEE and Black Sea countries in the framework of comprehensive defense. Security and Defence Quarterly, 44 (4), 55—83.</li> <li>Challoumis, Constantinos, Evaluation of Economic Resilience Post-War (August 04, 2024).</li> <li>Cooper, L. (2023) Economic resilience, social dialogue and democracy in wartime: critical reflections on the challenges facing Ukraine’s economy. Conflict and Civicness Research Group, LSE IDEAS, The London School of Economics and Political Science. London, UK.</li> <li>Paździor, A., Caputa, W. &amp; Krawczyk-Sokołowska, I. (2023). Economic Resilience in the Face of COVID and the War in Ukraine: Key Lessons From the Situation of the Polish Economy. Bukalska, E., Kijek, T., &amp; Sergi, B.S. (Eds.) Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Poland (Entrepreneurship and Global Economic Growth). Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, 75—87.</li> <li>Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council 2020. Strategic foresight report strategic foresight — charting the course towards a more resilient Europe. COM/2020/493 final. Eur-lex. Access to European Union Law.;qid=1706954760521#footnote25</li> <li>Manca, A., Benczur, P., &amp; Giovannini, E. (2017). Building a Scientific Narrative Towards a More Resilient EU Society Part 1: a Conceptual Framework. EUR 28548 EN. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; JRC106265.</li> <li>Megatrends cards. (2024). European Commission website</li> <li>Interinstitutional Proclamation on the European Pillar of Social Rights (2017). Eur-lex. Access to European Union Law.</li> <li>Recommendations for Ukrainian public authorities on approximation of Ukrainian legislation to EU law (2018). Kyiv. 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(2024) Determining the living wage in the context of social rights guarantees: problems and solutions. Ekonomika ta pravo. 2, 3—12. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Resolution of the District Administrative Court of Kyiv dated September 17, 2015, in case No. 826/6362/15 upon the claim of [PERSON_1] against the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, third parties: the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine regarding the recognition of unlawful actions and the obligation to take actions. Unified State Register of Court Decisions. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Resolution of the Supreme Court composed of a panel of judges of the Cassation Administrative Court dated December 20, 2018, in case No. 826/3639/17, on the claim of [PERSON_4] against the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine regarding the recognition of a subordinate normative legal act as invalid and its annulment, as well as the recognition of actions as unlawful. Unified State Register of Court Decisions. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Decision of the Kyiv District Administrative Court dated November 20, 2019, in case No. 640/14839/19 on the claim of [PERSON_1] against the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding the recognition of actions and omissions as unlawful and the obligation to take action. Unified State Register of Court Decisions. [in Ukrainian].</li> </ol> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PH «Akademperiodyka» of the NAS of Ukraine GOVERNANCE IN THE CONDITIONS OF FORMING A RESILIENT SOCIETY 2024-10-10T10:07:22+00:00 Serhii Romaniuk <p>The article is devoted to the consideration of the use of governance in the formation of resilience in various spheres of social life. The relevance of the work is due to the need to find institutionalized mechanisms for making mutually agreed and coordinated decisions by various actors to ensure different types of resilience. The purpose of the article is the theoretical justification of the use of various regimes of governance in the formation of resilience of various social spheres. The novelty of the article lies in the justification of the application of this management approach in ensuring resilience, adaptability and/or transformation in the restoration of the functioning of the components of society in the conditions of disasters and after their conclusion. The research methodology is based on the use of an interdisciplinary approach when considering the essential characteristics of governance. The formation of resilience is considered, in particular in the demographic, ecological spheres, state finances, labor market, improving the quality of life of the population, the development of hromadas and territories with the participation of various actors at the supranational, national, regional, local levels, as well as within households (individual level).</p> <p>It was found out, firstly, that different types of resilience require different regimes of governance: in real circumstances, all regimes are not applied in their “pure form”, but form certain clusters of governance approaches. Secondly, the potential benefits of governance in the formation of various types of resilience are not achieved automatically, but can be obtained, in particular, by achieving a high level of public trust in authorities, active fight against corruption, and high-quality political leadership. Based on the study of all three types of resilience, the most widespread regimes of governance with the participation of various decisionmaking actors at different territorial levels were identified. The article uses general scientific research methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization.</p> <p>REFERENCES</p> <ol> <li>Libanova, E., &amp; Romaniuk, S. (2023). Conceptualization of multi-subject management in social relations. Demography and social economy, 3 (53), 33—53. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Brusset, X., &amp; Teller, C. (2017). Supply chain capabilities, risks, and resilience. International Journal of Production Economics, 184, 59—68.</li> <li>National Research Council (2012). Disaster Resilience: A National Imperative. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.</li> <li>Zhengtao, Zh., Peng, C., Jiansheng, H. et al. (2021). Analysis of the impact of dynamic economic resilience on post-disaster recovery “secondary shock” and sustainable improvement of system performance. Safety Science, 144, 105443.</li> <li>Brown, F. Z. (2022). Governance for Resilience: How Can States Prepare for the Next Crisis?</li> <li>Hooge, L., &amp; Marks, G. (2023). Unraveling the Central State, but How? Types of Multi-level Governance. American Political Science Review, 97 (2), 223—244.</li> <li>Benequista, N. (2010). Putting Citizens at the Centre: Linking States and Societies for Responsive Governance — A Policy-maker’s Guide to the Research of the Development Research Centre on Citizenship, Participation and Accountability. Prepared for the DFID Conference on “The Politics of Poverty, Elites, Citizens and States”, 21—23 June. Sunningdale, UK.</li> <li>World Development Report 2017: Governance and the Law (2017). World Bank.</li> <li>Khan, M. (2011). Governance and Growth: History, Ideology, and Methods of Proof. In: Good Growth and Governance in Africa: Rethinking Development Strategies. Akbar Noman, Kwesi Botchwey, Howard Stein, Joseph E. Stiglitz (eds). SOAS, University of London, 2—27.</li> <li>Williamson, O. (1975). Markets and Hierarchies — analysis and anti-trust implications: a study in the economics of internal organization. New York: Free Press.</li> <li>Kleinfeld, R. (2018). A Savage Order. New York: Pantheon Books, 208—211.</li> <li>Levi, M. (1998). A State of Trust. In: Trust and Governance. Valerie Braithwaite and Margaret Levi (Eds). New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 5.</li> <li>Taniguchi, H., &amp; Aldikacti Marshall, G. (2018). Trust, Political Orientation, and En vironmental Behavior. Environmental Politics, 27 (3), 385—410.</li> <li>Environment Ministry: Ukraine is working on fulfilling international obligations to reduce anthropogenic methane emissions (2024). Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Strategy of the state policy regarding internal displacement for the period until 2025 (2023). Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 7, 2023 No. 312-r [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>«New European Bauhaus»: The European Commission is launching a program for thereconstruction of Ukraine (2024). [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Demographic development strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2040 (2024). Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Energy resilience of the capital: Klitschko signed a memorandum of cooperation between Kyiv and the German Society (2024). Vechirniy Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].</li> </ol> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PH «Akademperiodyka» of the NAS of Ukraine FINANCIAL AND BUDGETARY POLICY AS A COMPONENT OF THE RESILIENCE OF STATE FINANCES AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY 2024-10-24T14:29:39+00:00 Ihor Chugunov <p>The article reveals the essence of the resilience of state finances, financial and budgetary policy in the conditions of socio-economic transformations. At the current stage of socio-economic transformations under martial law and the development of financial relations, it is necessary to increase the resilience of state finances, the effectiveness of financial and budgetary policy as an effective tool for the socio-economic development of the country. The purpose of the article is to determine the resilience of state finances, to improve the mechanisms for financial and budgetary policy formation in the conditions of socio-economic transformations, for effective management of state finances, for increasing efficiency and effectiveness in the preparation and execution of budgets, to determine the components of institutional multi-subject management in the field of state finances. The novelty of the article is the disclosure of the essence of state finances resilience, which consists in the ability to ensure the stability of state finances, minimize the consequences of negative phenomena and promote the country’s socio-economic recovery, the performance of basic functions by the state, maintaining the necessary dynamic financial and budgetary balance, achieving the maximum result of quality provision of public services using the appropriate amount of budget expenditures, increasing efficiency and effectiveness of the use of budget funds; determination of the components of institutional multi-subject management in the field of public finance at the supranational, national, regional, local, individual levels, taking into account the provisions of the budget and tax architecture, which will positively affect the financial and economic environment and social development. The work uses a set of scientific methods and approaches, which made it possible to realize the conceptual unity of the research, in particular, systemic, functional methods, analysis, generalization, comparison, abstraction, and synthesis. It is shown that the financial and budgetary policy is an important tool of state management of the economy and one of the main means of ensuring economic transformations, social protection of the population, can influence the increase in the degree of manageability of social reproduction processes and improve the well-being of the population. Under martial law, it is necessary to increase the level of resilience of state finances, determine the basic principles of the budgetary policy of social development, strengthen the relationship between the achieved indicators of the socio-economic development of the country, ensuring national defense and the amount of bud get funds used, increase the level of effectiveness of budget programs, improve the relevant budgetary instruments and mechanisms in the system of the institutional environment of society.</p> <p>REFERENCES</p> <ol> <li>Libanova, E., &amp; Romaniuk, S. (2023). Conceptualization of multi-subject management in social relations. Demography and social economy, 3 (53), 33—53. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Makohon, V. (2023). State wartime budget: 2022. Scientia fructuosa. 148, 2, 59—66. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Pasichnyi, M. (2024). Fiscal dominants of military financing. Scientia fructuosa, 154 (2), 20—37. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Pyrozhkov, S. І., Bozhok, Ye. V., &amp; Khamitov, N. V. (2021). National resilience of the country: strategy and tactics of anticipation of hybrid threats. Visn. Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukr., 8, 74—82. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Sidenko, V. (2024). Challenges and opportunities for resilient economic development of Ukraine in the context of global transition. Economy of Ukraine, 67 (746), 3—39. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Chugunov, I. Ia. (2021). Budget strategy of social development. Kyiv: Kyiv national university of trade and economics. 532 p.</li> <li>Afonso, A., Jalles, J. T., &amp; Venâncio, A. (2021). Taxation and Public Spending Efficiency: An International Comparison. Comparative Economic Studies, 63, 356—383.</li> <li>Anayi, L., Bloom, N., Bunn, P., Mizen, P., Thwaites, G., &amp; Yotzov, I. (2022, 16 Apr). The impact of the war in Ukraine on economic uncertainty.</li> <li>Avellán, L., Galindo Andrade, A. J., &amp; Leon-Diaz, J. (2020). The role of institutional quality on the effects of fiscal stimulus (No. IDB-WP-01113). IDB Working Paper Series, 1—23.</li> <li>Candreva, P. J. (2024). National Defense Budgeting and Financial Management. Policy and Practice (2nd ed.). Information Age Publishing. 540 р.</li> <li>Checherita-Westphal, C., Freier, M., &amp; Muggenthaler, P. (2022). Euro area fiscal policy response to the war in Ukraine and its macroeconomic impact. Economic Bulletin Boxes. European Central Bank. Vol. 5.</li> <li>Gootjes, B., &amp; Haan, J. (2022). Do fiscal rules need budget transparency to be effective? European Journal of Political Economy, 75.</li> <li>Izzeldin, M., Muradoğlu, Y. G., Pappas, V., Petropoulou, A., &amp; Sivaprasad, S. (2023). The impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on global financial markets. International Review of Financial Analysis, 87.</li> <li>Ilori, A. E., Paez-Farrell, J., &amp; Thoenissen, Ch. (2022). Fiscal policy shocks and international spillovers. European Economic Review, 141.</li> <li>Kaufman, R. F. (2024). The Defense Budget Process. In: J. K. Galbraith, J. Brauer, and L. L. Webster (Eds) / Economics of Peace and Security. Oxford: Eolss Publishers.</li> <li>Romenska, K., Datsenko, V., Samoday, V., Puhach, Y., &amp; Dudchyk, O. (2024). Management of budget flows under martial law. Public and Municipal Finance, 13 (1), 55—69.</li> <li>Shawe, R. (2023) Budget and Organization Management. Open Journal of Business and Management, 11 (3), 910—919.</li> <li>Sidelnykova, L., &amp; Posadnieva, O. (2023). Problems of ensuring budgetary security of the state during martial law. International Scientific Journal. Innovative Economics and Management, 10 (2), 220—230.</li> <li>Kim, S., &amp; Park, S. (2022). How Do Balanced Budget Rules Impact Fiscal Performance Based On Revenue Structure? Evidence From U.S. States. State and Local Government Review, 54 (2), 146—164.</li> <li>Urokov, U., &amp; Toshmatova, R. (2021). Matters of revenue generation and cost optimization while increasing the efficiency of the state budget. Journal of Hunan University, 48 (12), 1573—1586.</li> </ol> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PH «Akademperiodyka» of the NAS of Ukraine ENSURING RESILIENCE OF SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR THE POPULATION OF UKRAINE DURING HYBRID CRISES AND DISASTERS 2024-10-21T13:26:38+00:00 Liudmyla Cherenko Anna Reut Yuliia Klymenko <p>The article provides an overview of the challenges and specific features of the social support system’s functioning during a crisis period. The highlighted problems include the following: first, Ukraine’s state social obligations have traditionally exceeded the financial and economic capacity to fulfill them for decades; second, the outdated model of social support, which does not guarantee the resilience of the quality of life; third, the low social return of the main support programs for the population reduces the effectiveness of assistance, even in a relatively stable environment; fourth, the imperfect mechanism and low level of institutionalization of monitoring and evaluation of the social support system hinder effective reform and prompt transformation of the system during crises. The authors identified the main needs and vulnerable groups in the context of state social support provision. The pandemic and the war have exacerbated the gap between the needs of vulnerable groups and the system’s capabilities, thus creating additional challenges. The novelty of the study lies in interpreting the resilience of social support from two perspectives: ensuring the self-sufficiency of the system during periods of hybrid crises and disasters, and its ability to foster societal resilience through supporting vulnerable groups. The aim of the work is to identify the key issues of Ukraine’s social support system that prevent timely and effective responses to challenges during periods of hybrid crises and disasters, as well as to assess the system’s self-sufficiency and its role in ensuring the resilience of Ukrainian society. The study used bibliometrics, economic-statistical, monographic, statistical, calculation methods, as well as methods of qualitative and comparative analysis, modeling and abstract-logical method.</p> <p>It is determined that the successful resolution of the existing problems in the social support system and ensuring its resilience during crises is possible by adhering to the principle of the relevance of assistance to the recipient when providing support. During crises, this can be achieved through effective management of a limited number of social programs, achieving their universality regardless of the nature of the crisis, and ensuring the timely implementation of new short-term measures. In crisis situations, it is necessary to have information that is promptly received and allows for tracking the real state of affairs, changes, and current needs. It is important to institutionalize the monitoring process and implement its results into practice during the reform of social assistance programs and when choosing policy directions. This will ensure the resilience of the system and the quality of life for the population by optimizing costs, increasing social returns, targeting, and timely assistance.</p> <p>REFERENCES</p> <ol> <li>Squires, G, &amp; White, I. (2019). Resilience and housing markets: Who is it really for? Land Use Policy, 81, 167—174.</li> <li>Simangunsong, H., &amp; Sihotang, D. (2023). The Impact of Economic Conditions on Social Assistance Programs and Poverty Alleviation. Law and Economics, 17 (2), 73—91.</li> <li>Parekh, N., &amp; Bandiera, O. (2020). Do social assistance programmes reach the poor? Micro-evidence from 123 countries.</li> <li>Sen, A. (2003). Development as Capability Expansion. In: Fukuda-Parr S. et al Readings in Human Development. New Delhi and New York: Oxford University Press.</li> <li>Nussbaum, M. C. (2011). Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach. Harvard University Press.</li> <li>Andrews, C., Hsiao, A., &amp; Ralston, L. (2010). Social safety nets promote poverty reduction, increase resilience, and expand opportunities.</li> <li>Gelderblom, D. (2018). The limits to bridging social capital: Power, social context and the theory of Robert Putnam. The Sociological Review, 66 (6), 1309—1324.</li> <li>Ungar, M. (2013). Resilience, Trauma, Context, and Culture. Trauma, Violence, &amp; Abuse, 14 (3), 255—266.</li> <li>Fiszbein, A., &amp; Kanbur, R. (2014). Social Protection and Poverty Reduction: Global Patterns and Some Targets. <a href=""></a></li> <li>Eizenberg, E., &amp; Jabareen, Y. (2017). Social Sustainability: A New Conceptual Framework. <a href=""></a></li> <li>Evennett, H. (2023). Reforming adult social care: House of Lords committee report. 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[in Ukrainian].</li> </ol> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PH «Akademperiodyka» of the NAS of Ukraine RESILIENCE OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEM OF UKRAINE TO THE SHOCKS CAUSED BY THE WAR: SPECIFICS OF FORMATION AND RESPONSE 2024-10-16T06:29:00+00:00 Ella Libanova <p>The full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation has caused a number of fundamentally new shocks for Ukraine, which it had neither economic nor time resources to adapt to. The ability to anticipate possible attacks, quickly recover from shocks and adapt to the new reality (constant bombardment, destruction of housing, lack of electricity, mobilisation, lack of convenient transport links with other countries, etc.) has become critical.</p> <p>The strength and nature of war shocks determine new methods and tools for their prediction and measurement, which is extremely difficult in the context of the inevitable limitation of information, both comprehensive and selective, during war. In such circumstances, measuring the actual state of the system after the shock has started relies on models and big data, while assessment and forecasting, primarily ex ante, relies on monitoring, including defined development trajectories.</p> <p>Determining possible responses to the effects of shocks requires clarifying the main aspects of the formation and implementation of resilience (natural resource, economic, demographic, socio-psychological), taking into account their interrelationships and different rates of change, powers and capabilities of individual governance actors (supranational, national, local, and personal), including the specific role of household resources and their consumption behaviour.</p> <p>Of particular importance is the scale of the system and the appropriate response tools, the focus on mono- or multi-subject governance, coordination mechanisms, and the formality/informality of institutions. In particular, in Ukraine, informal institutions, mainly at the local level (territorial defence, volunteer movement, etc.), have proved to be very important.</p> <p>REFERENCES</p> <ol> <li>Bruneau, M., &amp; Reinhorn, A. (2006). Overview of the Resilience Concept. Proceedings of the 8th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 18—22.</li> <li>Béné, C., Wood, R. G., Newsham, A., &amp; Davies, M. (2012), Resilience: New Utopia or New Tyranny? Reflection about the Potentials and Limits of the Concept of Resilience in Relation to Vulnerability Reduction Programmes. IDS Working Papers, 1—61.</li> <li>Keck, M., &amp; Sakdapolrak, P. (2013). What Is Social Resilience? Lessons Learned and Ways Forward. Erdkunde, 67 (1), 5—19. <a href=""></a></li> <li>ECR2 Economic Crisis: Resilience of Regions, Final Report (2014). EPSON. European</li> <li>Navracsics, T., Sucha, V., Wahlstroem, M. et. al. (2015). The Challenge of Resilience in a Globalised World. 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The novelty of the results obtained in the study lies in the development of scientific and methodological approach to assessing the resilience potential of society and its spheres and substantiating the factors of its increase. The study uses the following methods: general scientific (comparison and generalisation, analysis and synthesis) and special (integral assessment, cluster analysis, correlation analysis, cognitive modelling). The article clarifies the essence of the concept of ‘society’s resilience’ and proposes a scientific and methodological approach to assessing the resilience potential of society and its spheres (social, political, economic, environmental), based on a set of indicators presented in international indices and rankings characterising the relevant spheres. Based on the study, it is determined that Ukraine ranks 43rd among the 48 countries studied in terms of the integral indicator of resilience potential. The study also clusters these countries according to comprehensive indicators of the resilience potential of the spheres of society and builds a cognitive model of the mutual influence of indicators for assessing the resilience potential of the spheres of society. It is substantiated that in order to increase the resilience potential of Ukrainian society, it is necessary first of all to ensure the rule of law and the effectiveness of public administration in the country<em>.</em></p> <p>REFERENCES</p> <ol> <li>Walker, B. (2020). Resilience: what it is and is not. Ecology and Society, 25 (2).</li> <li>Walker, J., &amp; Cooper, M. (2011). Genealogies of resilience: From systems ecology to the political economy of crisis adaptation. Security Dialogue, 42 (2), 143—160. <a href=""></a></li> <li>Perrings, Ch. (2006). Resilience and sustainable development. Environment and Development Economics, 11 (4), 417—427. <a href=""></a></li> <li>Bristow, G., &amp; Healy, A. (2014). 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The purpose of this study is to determine the place of demographic resilience and its components, analyze them with adaptation to Ukraine’s particular conditions in order to form the key directions of achieving the resilience of Ukrainian society in the post-war period. The primary methods used in this research include abstract-logical, sociological, classification-analytical methods and synergistic approach. The novelty of the study lies in the development of conceptual foundations for analyzing the demographic resilience of Ukrainian society in the current context. The authors’ definition of demographic resilience is provided: it is explained as the ability to ensure the change of generations, maintain the desired demographic balance, maintain basic functions and social structures, minimizing the negative consequences of destructions and contributing to recovery. The following components of demographic resilience are proposed: reproductive resilience, resilience of age and sex population structure, family resilience, social or age group resilience, life preservation, resilience of the healthcare system, and migration resilience. The relationships between these components and economic and social resilience, education, and the realization of the “demographic dividend” are analyzed. Criteria for assessing the components of demographic resilience are proposed. Healthcare system resilience and health resilience are treated as distinct components of demographic resilience, yet they are closely interconnected. Both are integrated and influenced by various factors. The migration component is examined in the context of immigration, emigration, and the accommodation and adaptation of internally displaced persons. Demographic resilience in Ukraine has been influenced by both the COVID-19 pandemic and, more significantly, the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war. Their effects cause the need for further quantitative assessment of the individual components of demographic resilience and the development of specific measures to strengthen it.</p> <p>REFERENCES</p> <ol> <li>Yates, T. M., Tyrell, F. A., &amp; Masten, A. S. (2015). Resilience Theory and the Practice of Positive Psychology From Individuals to Societies. In: Positive Psychology in Practice: Promoting Human Flourishing in Work, Health, Education, and Everyday Life. P. 773—788.</li> <li>Brende, В., &amp; Sternfels, В. (2022). Resilience for sustainable, inclusive growth. McKinsey &amp; Company.</li> <li>Capdevila, P., Stott, I., Beger, M., &amp; Salguero-Gómez, R. (2020). Towards a Comparative Framework of Demographic Resilience. 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The purpose of the article is to study the evolution of the theory of resilience in application to territorial systems, which was proposed by foreign economic theory in response to the challenges of the global financial and economic crisis of 2008 and the period of recovery after it. To form the main postulates of the study, general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, classification, system analysis were used. The work analyzes the basic theories of resilience. The main contradictions that were faced by researchers during their development were investigated as well. The views on the question of the ultimate goal of resilience have been investigated. In particular, the evolution from the point of view that this goal is to maintain the state of equilibrium of the regional (urban) economic system, to the abandonment of this thesis, when the ultimate goal is blurred and either is considered as a continuous process of balancing the economic system, rather than returning to a previously existing or a new stable equilibrium condition, or there is a thesis of interrupted equilibrium, which is a sequence of stable forms or pathways of sustainable growth that is interrupted by periodic shocks. Engineering, ecological and evolutionary approaches to regional (urban) resilience have been studied by scientists on the way to finding an analogy from other fields of science, where the phenomenon of “sustainability — resilience “ has been developed quite carefully. The analysis gives the grounds for highlighting the adaptive approach as the most promising and adequate for the purpose of studying the economic content of the territorial aspect of the economy and the formation of relevant practical recommendations. According to the adaptive approach, economic resilience is understood as a multidimensional property, which includes not only the ability of the territorial system to recover from shock, but also the adaptive properties of its economic structure and the ability to restore positive economic dynamics.</p> <p>REFERENCES</p> <ol> <li>Leshchukh, I. (2024). Evolution of theoretical approaches to research socio-economic resilience countries and regions in conditions of instability. Economy and Society, 61. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Poliakova, O. Yu. (2022). The Approaches to Assessing the Impact of Crises of NonEconomic Origin on the Socioeconomic System of Ukraine. The problems of economy, 4, 245—253. [in Ukrainian].</li> <li>Khaustova, V. 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Despite considerable attention to maintaining psychological resilience at the individual level, the collective resilience of Ukrainian society has not been sufficiently researched. The socio-psychological approach emphasizes this type of resilience, which manifests itself in the community’s ability to successfully overcome difficulties. The problem of collective resilience research is complicated during times of war, when traumatic circumstances are the reality of the present rather than localized in the past. The purpose of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the functioning of collective resilience during almost three years of full-scale war. An approach to collective resilience based on the emphasis on common social identity during war was chosen. The novelty of the research consists in recording the changes in collective resilience under the influence of war based on the comparison of the data of the sociological monitoring “Ukrainian Society” of the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, obtained in 2021—2024. On the basis of general scientific methods of comparison, generalization, analogy, as well as methods of descriptive statistics and correlation analysis, the dynamics of the main parameters of collective resilience were traced and the key factors that ensure the ability of the population to maintain normal life in extreme conditions were determined. Calculations were made using the IBM SPSS Statistics 24 package. The analysis confirmed that the main factor supporting collective resilience was the intensification of experiencing the national-civic identity, which is based on a sense of belonging to the community. The effect of such components of collective resilience as a positive vision of the future, social support, belief in the ability to achieve the desired goals, trust in the authorities and faith in the community leader has been confirmed. A steady trend towards a weakening of collective resilience has been recorded in 2024: support factors continue to operate, but the effectiveness of their influence is decreasing.</p> <p>REFERENCES</p> <ol> <li>Žotkevičiūtė-Banevičienė, A. (2022). Moral element of military power: The Ukrainian military resistance in the Russia-Ukraine war. LOGOS — A Journal of Religion, Philosophy, Comparative Cultural Studies and Art, 113, 105—115.</li> <li>Rating Group (June, 27, 2023). Ukraine’s Resilience Formula: The Essential Components During War and Post-War (6—11 June 2023).</li> <li>Popham, C. M., McEwen, F. S., &amp; Pluess, M. (2021). 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The concept of environmental safety resiliency involves achieving flexibility, an adaptively specific property of the system to return to a stable state after passing bifurcation points; its ability to recover through its own resources and development factors. Under these conditions, sustainable nature management in the conditions of transformation of property relations and the post-war security system occupies a special, dominant place, since it not only significantly affects the regulation of the process of using resources, but also contributes to the greening of the space of life, reaching the potential for self-reproduction (recovery) of the national socio-ecological and economic system, taking into account the inevitability of its changes under the influence of external challenges and risks. An important methodological task is parameterization of the resiliency of the natural environment to external and internal changes. Since there are no precise methods for converting spatial information to scalar information and vice versa, certain heuristic approaches should be used. In order to optimize the process of ensuring the resiliency of environmental safety, its assessment was carried out for the regions of Ukraine and their population. This made it possible to determine the potential ecological resiliency and capacity of the territory. Since the resiliency of the region directly depends on the state of environmental safety as a whole, and on individual components of the environment (the state of atmospheric air, water, soil, the level of technogenic load, etc.), in the future, a promising direction of research will be its component-by-component analysis and determination of resiliency in the regional context in dynamics, based on the latest monitoring data, which will allow to identify in more detail and reveal the features of its formation.</p> <p>The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the process of ensuring environmental safety of the population in the system of resilient nature management through the analysis of environmental risks and assessment of the level of environmental safety resiliency in the regions of Ukraine. The novelty of the work consists in the development of theoretical approaches to understanding the process of ensuring the resiliency of environmental safety in the field of environmental management and testing the methodology for its assessment for the regions of Ukraine based on a risk-based approach. The research is based on a set of results of theoretical studies by world and domestic authors on the relevance of environmental safety resiliency processes for the field of environmental management. The principal approach is the algorithmic approach, which was used in the development of basic elements for assessing resiliency and grouping input information for the regions of Ukraine, namely, the distribution of indicators by areas of environmental management, years and territorial entities. It also made it possible to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of evaluation: a common disadvantage for all processes may be weak information support, as well as the presence of subjective expert opinion. At the same time, algorithmization makes it possible to choose the optimal and affordable way to achieve the goal based on the available base.</p> <p>Attention is focused on the fact that the resiliency of environmental safety can be achieved by creating and implementing environmental innovations. They ensure rational, more economical use of natural resources involved in production, effective methods of their reproduction and reduction of harmful emissions into the environment. Therefore, their implementation will contribute to improving the efficiency of production, increasing its ecological level, improving human living conditions and will become the basis for greening of innovative development. 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