
¹1 (29) 2017

Demography and social economy, 2017, 1(29):24-36
Doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2017.01.024

Êalenyuk I.S.
Dr. Sc. (Economics), Prof.
Director of Institute of Economic Development Studies SHEE «Kyiv national Economic University named after Vadym Hetman»
04050, Kyiv, Melnikova 81 Str., Building 6
E-mail: kalenuk@ukr.net

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Modern world is moving from the centralized management of education to dissemination of decentralization, increasing autonomy of institutions, increasing the flexibility of funding mechanisms and adapting education to environmental changes. Changes in the practice of public funding of education in the direction of forming a transparent, targeted, incentive-based funding and budgetary spheres of education including elements with increased accountability and decreased influence of subjective factors on the process of financial decision-making in the education system are proven. An analysis is made of the international practice of using adaptive management institution, not administrative-command mechanisms and economic stimulating methods. Such direction for perfecting public financing mechanisms of the education system in the world as accounting for the performance of educational institutions is comprehensively studied. The experience of advanced countries of the world has proven that the criteria for the differentiation of public funding may be: types of training programs, the number of students, the number of full-time students, students’ category, the specificity of places, the number of graduates and others. The necessity of realization of basic conditions for effective functioning of the education system as an increase in the autonomy of educational institutions, not only in the educational activity, but also in terms of financial and economic activity, is justified in the article.
Key words: educational services, financial mechanism, school funding based on the results of activities, forms and methods of funding, autonomy of educational institutions.
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