
¹2 (24) 2015 ð.

Demography and social economy, 2015, 2(24):88-102
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2015.02.088

I.S. Kalenyuk
Dr. of sciences (Economy), Leading Researcher, Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
V.A. Yamkoviy
Head of Sector, Ministry of education and science of Ukraine

Features of Influence of Education on the Provision of Social Mobility in Modern Conditions
Section: Quality of education
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The role of education in social mobility is examined in the article. The general trends of education development in the modern world are analyzed: increasing educational period in human life, expanding scope and coverage of the population in higher education, formation of the world market of educational services. The basic directions of ensuring social mobility are determined: a person’s characteristics (skills, parents’ education) and social mechanisms of ensuring equal access to education. Relationship between parents’ education and educational achievements of next generations based on the data of Ukraine and the countries OECD is proven. The current trends of educational system’s transformation in Ukraine is revealed: diversification and stratification of general and higher education, expanding access to higher education, influence of demographic factors and ill-conceived political decisions on the contingent of education system. The trends of access of certain sections of the population to higher education (Chernobyl victims, rural youth) are analyzed. The education’s effect on social selection as a result of the layering system of secondary and higher education for the education quality criteria is proven. The influence of higher education on graduates’ employability on the labor market is analyzed. The influence of education on the value of social mobility and social selection in the modern Ukrainian economy is determined. The importance of guaranteeing access to high-quality education to all sectors of population, which will facilitate the strengthening of the role of education in achieving social mobility, is proven.
Key words: social mobility, upward mobility, downward mobility, social function of education, social lift, intergenerational educational mobility.
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