
¹1 (23) 2015 ð.

Demography and social economy, 2015, 1(23):11-21

Cherenko L.M.
PhD (Economics), Head of Department Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

New Forms of Poverty in Ukraine: Key Manifestations and Evaluation of Scale of the Phenomeno
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: This article considers key manifestations of poverty in Ukraine that can be identified according to the data for the years 2013–2014, such as: the inability to pay for treatment, poor living conditions or the risk of their deterioration, credit and financial inability of households, loss of property and livelihoods because of war. The paper attempts to justify transformation of these manifestations in new forms of poverty and assess the scale of the phenomenon. For these goals the theoretical scheme of study consist of: the definition of the poverty line (monetary or non-monetary), and setting of the threshold of vulnerability to each poverty form. Four poverty forms, which are considered in the article, (due to disease, for living conditions, on the basis of debt and poverty due to sudden combat action) show different scale of the phenomenon, but to some extent determine the current «face» of Ukrainian poverty and require a fundamental revision of policies against poverty and social exclusion.
Key words: poverty, financial inability, sudden poverty, expenditures for treatment, living conditions, debt, loss of property and livelihoods, policies against poverty
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